𝟒𝟓; 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"Sit still.." I laughed as I held the electric razor in my hand,
"Your gonna take my fucking ear off." Draco said fidgeting in his chair.

"I'm not going to. I've been cutting and styling your hair since third year, so sit still." I groaned and he sat still obeying me.

I began to shave the back of his hair with a number three clipper, I wanted his hair to be longer at the top but also to look neat.

"Your gonna make my hair look like a fuck boy, like it was in third year."

"You looked handsome in third year." I said cutting of some length with the scissors,
"Keep it long, like when I wake up and it's fluffy and messy I like that." He said and I nodded.

I was cutting his hair to how I would like it when we had sex, but he had to like it too. I wanted to keep some of the length at the top but shave the bottom.

"You should gel your hair back." I said making my self sound serious,
"No fucking way." He said abrupt and I giggled.

I liked how his hair was in seventh year so I styled it like that but with more volume, he's recently been keeping his natural waving hair. Which I thought was really cute on him.

"All done, pretty boy." I said tilting his head back and kissing him, I pulled away and gave him the mirror.

He looked in it and ruffled up his hair more, he placed the mirror down and looked at me with a straight face before grinning.

"I love it."

He got up and pulled me into a hug, I squealed as he picked me up and began running around the yard. He was laughing and I was yelling at him to put me down.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, you put me down right now!"

"I don't think so, Hailee Maree Malfoy!" He yelled back and threw me on the large outdoor couch we had, he landed on top of me while we laughed together.

I ran my hand through his hair while we just stared at each other, Draco had gotten his cast off a few days ago so he was all set.. if you know what I mean.

We were about to kiss when..

"For free? Really."

Blaise walked over with Luna and Zent in her arms, "shut up, Blaise." I chuckled and sat up.

"You just let yourself in?" Draco asked,
"Yeah, Hailee gave me a key." He said and sat across from us.

"Where's Delilah?" Luna asked,
"At mums." Draco replied.

Her and Blaise both nodded before picking up a conversation with us, "Draco's got a freshy." Blaise said in a high pitched voice which made us all laugh.

It went quiet for a moment which was odd, we always usually have something to talk about.

"Uhm, we wanted to ask if you two would be the maid of honour and best man at our wedding." Luna said.

"Of course!" I exclaimed and she laughed as I got up to hug her, managing to take Zent from her arms in the process and sit back down.

He looks so much like Blaise it's unbelievable.

"So when's the wedding?" Draco asked,
"In a couple months it's in may." Blaise replied.

"Oh fuck.. what day?" I asked hoping it not to be-

"The 23rd."

Of course.

The day I have my Dior fashion walk. What am I gonna do? Will I go on the once in a lifetime opportunity, or go to their wedding.

I really badly wanna go to both. I would be missing out on a huge opportunity if I went to their wedding, but then I would be rude to not go to the wedding.

"Hailee, what's up?" Luna asked me,
"Uhm.. that's the day I have my Dior runway.." I said and their eyes went wide.

"Blaise! I told you I knew something was on that day!" She said and hit his arm.

"Fuck alright.. we'll go with the 25th than.." He said, I felt bad they changed the date.

"Look I don't want you guys to change the date-"

"Oh please, Hailee. We've had the 25th organised for months, we only were gonna go with the 23rd because it's a Saturday." Luna said, making me not feel as bad anymore.

"Ok, but if it's still a problem I can always-"

"Hailee. We're getting married on the 25th of may." Luna said shutting me up, I nodded and she smiled.

We spent the rest of the afternoon chatting with Blaise and Luna while Zent peacefully slept up in Delilah's room, I heard the front door open and close and soft footsteps.

Narcissa came in with an angry Lucius, a fussy Delilah and and upset Snow. I walked over and took Delilah, she happily smiled when seeing me.

They came over and sat down with everyone, Snow sat next to me.

"Can we talk?"

"Of course.. come on." I said and she followed me up the stairs while I gave Delilah to Draco.

We sat down on my bed and she started telling me what's wrong.

"I'm having twins.." she said and my eyes went wide.

"Wow.." I was speechless.

She's having twins!?

"Dads angry, because Zach came over today wanting to apologise. He said he actually fell in love with me and wants to be with me and the babies, I told him I'd think about it." She muttered with her head low and her eyes droopy.

She had still a small bump, considering she was three months along already.

"Well.. if you trust him, you can take him back. But he hurt you, Snow. We could all see how heartbroken he made you, I would say no if someone got with me for a bet then wanted me back. I'm gonna be honest with you, I just think he feels guilty." I told her with sorrow written in my voice.

"That's what I think as well.. but, when we talked he honestly looked heartbroken as well. He said he didn't wanna walk out on me and the babies, he only walked out in the first place because he was scared of becoming a father."

She had her head down, playing with the hem of her dress, I took her hands as she looked up at me.

"Do want you want, Snow. If you honestly and truely think he wants you back, you can have him. But set some rules for him, he's a bit of a snake if you ask me." I said and she giggled.

She hugged me while I rubbed her back.

"Thank you, sissy."

My heart melted...


Hey guys... somethings coming up and I'm not sure your gonna like it. 🤥

𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 // 𝐃.𝐌Where stories live. Discover now