The Original Izuku

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Name: Izuku Midoriya

Quirk: Eternity

Age: incalculable. He has existed since his universe was still young, just as the current one is. He lived up until his universe died, and remained afterwards, floating for an incalculable amount of time through the empty void that was left in it's place until the universe was reborn anew. Then, he floated through the newly reborn universe looking for the earth, and upon finding it, he swore to never leave it again, even if that meant dragging it to another universe with him upon the Sun's inevitable death.

Description: Izuku will remain alive no matter how much time passes, or what happens to him. For all of eternity, even after the end of time. Any damage he takes will be undone instantly, his body stopped aging when he was 20, no poison or venom effects him, he doesn't require sustenance or air, and it is impossible for him to catch any disease.

Appearance: TBD

Pairing: TBD, most likely none.

Extra Info: A new Izuku(or Izumi, I haven't decided whether or not the new one will be male or female) will be born, and so will the rest of the canon characters. Essentially, in this fic, the universe is on loop, with there being differences every loop. The Original Izuku just so happens to be the first person in any loop to be born with a quirk that allows for total immortality. Also, this exists in the same multiverse as The Divine Emperor, so expect an eventual crossover between the 2, when that Izuku moves on to conquer this universe.

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