The Perfect Human/Hero

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Name: Izuku Midoriya

Quirk: Perfection

Description: his body is perfect in every way. He does not experience cell decay, and as such his aging process will stop after he reaches his prime. His cells lack the same defects and imperfections that the rest of humanity possess. He is always at peak physical condition. His body can easily repair any damage done, with no limits to how much damage can be undone. His genes possess no defects, and as such are perfectly compatible with the genes of any other human, and any offspring that he produces with anyone else have a 0% chance of complications related to the birth or pregnancy, and have a 0% chance of having any birth defects, no matter who the person is, or whether or not he is related to him.

His mind is also perfect in every way. He has perfect memory, never forgetting anything that he doesn't specifically choose to forget. His reaction speed and reflexes are more than twice as fast as any other human in history who doesn't possess a quirk that enhances them. He still experiences pain, but rather than it being an unpleasant experience, it comes off as a clear message of something being wrong, or his body being damaged.

His emotions are controlled by a mental on/off switch, which he can flip at any time. He is immune to mental manipulation, brainwashing, and mind control. Other psychic abilities also do not effect him when he does not wish for them to. It is impossible to break his mind or willpower. No matter what he does, it does not produce an effect on his body, and it's effects on his mind are based on whatever his moral code is.

He possesses an unlimited amount of energy, both physical and mental, and as such never requires rest of any kind. He is the perfect analyst, being capable of instantly analyzing anything he sets his mind to analyzing. He is the perfect strategist, capable of making plans with a 100% success rate given he is in possession of enough information.


Pairing: Harem

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Pairing: Harem. 3 members decided. Remaining members TBD

Katsumi Bakugou

Katsumi Bakugou

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Izumi Midoriya

Ochako Uraraka

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Ochako Uraraka

Ochako Uraraka

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