A time unto itself. (Lightly edited)

Start from the beginning

     Shoji nods with a soft sigh escaping his mouth. "Yeah, I completely forgot that you were the principal's kid".

  A huff of amusement escapes her lips as she grins at him "It's okay, we've only been friends since ..." she begins counting on her fingers for the show of it before shrugging her shoulders. "Since forever it seems like. Hah! Some of the adventures the three of us went on ... speaking of Tokoyami, is he okay?"

    Shoji nods and lifts an arm with a mouth on it "Yeah, he's doing okay. A little shaken up, otherwise unharmed".

  The greenette sighs in relief "that's good. It would really suck if our trio was broke up because of that incident".

Shoji nods, agreeing with the statement. "Tell me Izuku, why did you choose to fall for me?"

Izuku blushes and curls into herself, brining her knees to her chest, arms around her knees, and hiding half of her face in the gap. "Well... I guess it's the kind of person you are. Even before we decided to become heroes, you would help people with the smallest of things. You were kind, even though we encountered a lot of people who sent glares your way, made nasty comments, or spat at your feet. You still showed them kindness and pushed on through".

"I... I'd have to say that's what made me fall for you. Your kindness no matter the person or situation". She looks back up at him, viridian eyes sparkling in the the sunlight. Lifting her head, she rests her chin on her knees. "Tell me Shoji, what made you fall for me" a small smirk plays at the edge of her lips.

Shoji hums softly as he leans against the footrest, a smile on the mouth formed on the end of his hand and on his own lips. "It was your smile. It was the smile you made when Tokoyami made that joke that had you doubling over. A stupid reason really, but then I started noticing how strong you were, not only in strength but also sprit".

Izuku hums softly with a smile pulling at her lips and a soft look in her eyes. "It was a funny joke though. I think about it sometimes". A yawn attacks her as she finishes her sentence, and with a big stretch she pushes herself out of bed and another stretch. "Right! If I don't get out of bed now, I'll never get out of bed".

Shoji nods and stands up as well, stretching his many arms before they wonder into the kitchen to find Nezu setting down the last tea cup. The rodent looks over with a smile "Ah! Just on time, tea is ready how you both like it".

Izuku plops herself down into her usual and well worn bean bag, relaxing into it a happy smile spreads across her lips.

Shoji plops himself down into the typical arm chair he's sort of claimed over the years. Leaning down he picks up the tea cup with grace, pulling down his mask; he's glad no one was watching, however... he'll have to show Izuku eventually. It's just a matter of how and when.

Nezu is the one to break the silence between the three "Tell me how you two got together, I was not there for it".

Izuku huffs a laugh "Always the gossip rat, aren't you dad?"

The aforementioned rat chuckles softly "You know me oh so well, daughter".

The greenette chuckles and leans forward to take a sip from the tea cup before releasing the gossip. "Well, it started with me waking up and seeing Shoji with the start of bags under his eyes and hunched into an uncomfy position, I coxed him to lay next to me. What I wasn't expecting was for him to pull me into a hug. I dealt with it and fell back to sleep. We woke up a bit later and talked it out".

Izuku: Principal's KidWhere stories live. Discover now