"how do you know that? are you stalking me?" i questioned.

"you facetimed me twice while having it." she answered. "we're not having taco bell, it's not good for you."

"oh come on you're no fun!"

"i'll tell dad on you, or even worse. billie." she smirked.

"get that smirk off your face, if you tell billie i'll tell kyle about the time-" i started to threaten.

"NO! no! i won't tell her. i won't tell her, but we're not having taco bell today." cole cut me off.

"deal" i grinned.

"wait- i want to know the story though." kyle looked between me and cole.

"i'll tell you later." i mouthed.

"what are you listening to?" billie asked, joining me at her bed.

"conan gray." i replied taking off one of my airpods and offering it to billie and she gladly accepted it.

"you sure do listen to a lot of conan's songs." she commented.

"mhm." i prayed she wouldn't let the conversation go any further because i can't handle it. i love conan so fucking much, to the point where i could see myself crying when meeting him. not that i want to anyways.

"you know... he's on tour too and we're going to be in the same city when we're in amsterdam. i could talk to him and we could all meet and hang, i don't know if you know, but we're old friends." she suggested.

"no billie, please no. i can't meet him." i shook my head.

"why not?" she laughed.

"because i'm going to start crying! that's embarrassing!" i raised my voice.

"why are you going to cry? i didn't know you were such a big conan fan." she frowned.

"i've been purposely keeping it away from you because i knew this would happen." i started whimpering.

"are you going to cry?" she chuckled.

"no." i continued whimpering.

"we're not going to meet him then, it's okay. no need to cry over it." she laughed, pulling me to her chest.

"don't laugh at me!" i cried.

"why are you even crying?!" she continued laughing.

"because the thought of meeting him stresses me out!" i answered.

"why are we yelling?" finneas peeked his head through the door. "is everything okay? why are you crying?"

"she doesn't want to meet conan." billie was clearly trying to hide her laugh.

"conan gray?" fin frowned.

"yes!" i yelled and continued my crying session.

"why not? when were you going to see him?" he sat on the edge on the bed.

"turns out she's a die hard fan and we had no idea, and parallel schedules in amsterdam." billie answered him.

"dude, your girlfriend is literally billie eilish and you're crying over conan?" finneas looked at me in disbelief.

"you don't get it okay?" i glared at him, no longer allowing tears to escape my eyes.

"you're right i don't get it." he shook his head, leaving the room.

"i'm on my period." i told billie.

"there we go." she nodded like everything made sense to her now. "are you feeling okay? do you need me to get you a heating pad? water? tylenol for the pain?"

"no, i just want cuddles and can you please brush my hair with your fingers? that feels really good and squeeze me really hard when you're cuddling me with your hand that's always on my my back." i answered.

"okay pretty girl." she murmured before doing exactly what i told her to do.

i closed my eyes drowning in the music running through my ear and before i even knew it i fell asleep without even planing to. though i only realized that when my eyes darted open because i needed to use the bathroom NOW.

i got up and quickly ran to the bathroom, locked the door and sat on the toilet to do my business. a couple seconds later a knock on the door was heard. "blue? are you okay?" billie asked.

"yeah, sorry i just really had to pee." i chuckled.

"oh, okay you got me worried for a second there." she sighed in relief. "i'll make us a small snack in the kitchen."

"okay" i said before pulling my pants up and washing my hands. i walked out the door to the kitchen, where billie was cutting up an orange to put it in the plate with a variety of fruits in it. "is that your idea of a snack?"

"yes it's a healthy snack."

"since when were you eating healthy?" i frowned.

"since my girlfriend stopped doing that." she replied.

"cole told you?" i raised my brows.


"son of a bitch! i just ate taco bell twice this week! i haven't fucked up my diet or whatever." i huffed.

"say whatever you want to say, but we're going to eat this fruit plate, and we are going to finish it." she continued cutting her orange.

"i love fruit i don't mind eating fruit. i'm just telling you, i'm not being reckless with myself at all. i promise."

"you better not be."

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt