Bakugo's eyes widened as he noticied the grin Midoriya was wearing.
Despite it still looking friendly it had a cold air and malice kind feeling around it that Bakugo couldn't shake off...
"What the hell...
What the hell...
Something is definitely suspicious...

I need to talk to him about this.

One on one.

No interference..."


Class 1-A made it to their dormitory, they were all ecstatic with joy.
However amongst that joy, Midoriya could feel fearful suspicion directed at him.

But that didn't matter, it would all be over soon anyway.

The sun had begun to set by the time they arrived at their dormitory.
The class worked together and made a special celebratory meal.

Midoriya stood around the main room, pretending to be excited with his classmates when suddenly Bakugo walked past him.

Meet me at ground beta. 8:30pm.
Don't be late..."
He whispered in a serious tone as he passed by.

Midoriya held back a devious grin, "talk about convenience.
I knew my gut feeling was right."

"Midoriya! Come try some of this!"

"I'll have to pass, I'm not hungry"

"Aw man!"

Midoriya went to his dorm room, "7:30. So he wants to meet in an hour.
It's a good thing it'll already be nightfall. I'll be able to start my plan as soon as I'm done dealing with him"
He grinned as he began to pack his things.

He repacked all his clothes, took his bedsheets, curtains, pillows, and anything he had originally brought with him including his mini fridge.

Because he didn't want the blood to spoil, he kept it plugged in.
"I'll just teleport it to me when the time comes"
He thought to himself as he pulled out a sheet of paper and grabbed a pen.

He decided to leave a note for his classmates.

After quickly writing it, he picked out a suitable outfit for the occasion.
He decided on his 'hero' outfit as it would be perfect to use as a villain outfit.

Midoriya drank some blood to energize for the event, even though it was a full moon and he'd have more than enough energy, he still wanted to make sure he was fueled

"Hey Aizawa"

"What's going on?"

"I'm just informing you that Bakugo has requested I meet him at ground beta.
So if an alarm goes off, shut it off and ignore it"

"Are you going to kill him right then and there?"

"Not exactly, I have a better plan in mind that'll cause more destruction"

"I see.
Are you going to reveal I'm also a vampire or are you going to pin all the blame on yourself for now?"

"You'll be revealed.
I'm aiming to have UA shut down with this.
Getting rid of heroes also means getting rid of the hero producers"

"Makes sense"


Eventually, 8:30 struck the clock.
Midoriya stuffed a pack of blood in his pocket as he left the note on his desk.

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