#2023 Teen Vouge with Miyoung

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#2023 Teen Vouge with Miyoung



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Hi Teen Vouge, I'm MIYOUNG from ROSEQUARTZ and this is some of my first.

[Firsts with MIYOUNG]

Q. First Time I Felt Famous
Even now, I haven't fully accepted it. For example when someone tell me that we're #1 in subscribers on YouTube. I like "What?". I think "That's amazing". These are the thoughts I've had.

Q. First Concert
The first concert I went to was my senior labelmates BTS' concert. It was really crazy. Everyone was enjoy the concert. I thought "It was amazing". That time I was dreaming to hold the concert like that too. And now we doing a whole world tour.

Q. First Time Meeting My Bandmates
JIHYE was the first come after me. She was elegance and spoke softly. So I get to know her then NARI come. She has the rapper vibe. She came off as chic but as time passed... Hum... Lastly HAYOON. The soon we meet, we just clicked since we both are the same age.

Q. First Time Meeting CRYSTALS
The first time I met CRYSTAL was probably our debut showcase. It was during our rehearsal recording and fans come to see us. And we were like "Oh do you know us?". We didn't know if the audience was regular attendees or our fans. But when they told us "We're here because we're your fans!" We were like "What? Wow..." So it was a very thrilling memory.

Q. First Music Video
"Whistle" was our first music video shoot. When I think about it now, it was so exciting. I think we were up all night for 5-6 days shooting the music video. Despite that everyone was so energetic. We drank energy drinks and kept our energies up throughout the shoot.

Q. First Time Seeing The Costumes For "PINK VENOM"
When we're thinking about it, we all watched the movie "Dune" together and thought that direction would be great and something new. Because most of the costume were extravagant we wanted to wear something low-key and chic. We thought that would work. That's how we come up with that.

Q. First Makeup Obsession
For "How You Like That" I tried putting beauty marks near my eyes. And it seemed like our fans like it so it made me feel good.

Q. First Thing I'll Do After My Album Release
I'll work hard to promote my group and my solo songs.

Q. First Thing I Do In The Morning
I take my probiotics first. Then I was my face. Then stretch.

Q. First App I Check In The Morning
I have a lot of alarms set. So I go into the alarm app and turn them off one by one

Q. First Step Of My Nighttime Routine
First I have my nighttime bath. I put on a sheet mask and stretch. Then I go to sleep

Q. First Fashion Obsession
There was a rubber band like necklace that was popular. I was wearing a lot during our first world tour. It had a smiley face bead. And it was very cute and colorful.

Q. First Time Write The Lyrics
Oh! I start at the very first. Since debut I wrote all the songs for our group. I really thankful for the company because they give me a chance to express my lyrical side. Let me involved with everything. They always support us. I really thankful for that.

I'm MIYOUNG and this was My First. Please check out my new single album "ME" and give my title song "Flower" a lot of love.

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