ROSENIVERSE EP.9 Winter is Coming #2

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ROSENIVERSE EP.9 Winter is Coming #2

[Jihye is unfamiliar with snow sledding]

Jihye: How do I do this?

[Impatient younger sisters waiting for her to start]

Miyoung: Hurry up, Miss!

(Like this? Like this?)

Jihye: It's because I'm scared

Nari: Is she doing that in hell?

[Welcome to hell. Experienced reaper]
[Jihye's got this!]

Jihye: Ahhh!

(Thump! on the left. Thump! on the right)
[There's a sport Jihye is bad at]

Hayoon: Why is she snowboarding with a sled?

Nari: She's terrible at it

Miyoung: Hey Miss!

(Jihye is going to sled)

Miyoung: Miss what are you doing? Miss you've never tried sledding before, right?

[Jihye cramped in a sled.JPG]

Jihye: The sled is kind of weird though

(Blaming on the sled)
(In perfect state)

Nari: Here she's coming

[Thought she was going to give up but she continues towards the finish line]
(My sis is really trying her best..)
[Jihye saved 800ML!]

Nari: 800 is pretty bad

(This is what she's been wanting to say)

Hayoon: Gosh you're the Queen and you can't even do this?

[Finally Hayoon's turn]

Miyoung: Hayoon, do your best!

Hayoon: This is like chewing on gum while laying down. Oh maybe it's not chewing gum porridge? Rice cake!

Jihye: Hey if you try eating rice cake while you're laying down, you'll get sick!

[Sudden wind in the sledding grounds during a quick waiting time]

Miyoung: Hayoon! We don't have to watch right?


Miyoung: Let's all not watch Hayoon

(Conductor the most enthusiastic one)

Miyoung: When Hayoon comes here, let's look over there

Nari: Hayoon try your best! We'll cheer you!

(Not paying attention)

Jihye: The weather's so nice!

Nari: Hayoon fighting!

[Already spilling the water. Ready to go]
[ROSEQUARTZ is nice idols so decided to watch her]

Hayoon: Let's go!

(Knows Hayoon well)

Miyoung: I think she's going to score 0.1ml. She's coming!

(Fussy as expected, but more stable than expected)
[Tremendous speed *Caution: Fine is coming down]
(Zoom~ what just happened?)

Jihye: You just spilled everything!


Miyoung: How is she so fast?

[Lost Hazel. Speeding is this dangerous]

Miyoung: You were great at sledding but there's no water!

(From the back)

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