ROSEQUARTZ 'Introducing Film - The Brightest Star' PARK JIHYE

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ROSEQUARTZ 'Introducing Film - The Brightest Star' PARK JIHYE

[PARK JIHYE • MAY 21, 1996]

Bang Si Hyuk: JIHYE has this look that doesn't seem human. She looks as if she came straight out of a Disney film. She's the type of person that causes more curiosity day by day.

[Big Hit Audition/2010.07]
[Big Hit Audition Competition Rate 1226:1. She was chosen from 1226 applicants]
[Q. Did you know your Big Hit audition competition rate?]

Jihye: Don't know.

Staff: It's 1226:1

[Big pat on my back]
[Monthly Evaluation/2011.01]
[Monthly Evaluation/2011.03]
[Monthly Evaluation/2011.07]

Bang Si Hyuk: Try thinking of ways to add more power to your dance moves, just like J-HOPE.
Jihye: My role model is BTS J-HOPE in particular because he's so charismatic on stage. He dances so powerfully and I want to be like him one day

[Monthly Evaluation/2012.08]

Bang Si Hyuk: One thing I expect from JIHYE is using your arms. Even when you're doing motions, your elbows are stuck like this and you only use this arm.
Potato saem: You have long arms! But you're folding your wings! Make your motions bigger

[1:1 class to spread her wings]
[Potato saem/ Dance Trainer]

Potato saem: It's has to be like this! You have to open up your chest

[Learning details for the upcoming evaluation]

Potato saem: This is what you're doing JIHYE. You have to open it more. Bam bam bam! That's it! You have to do it like that.
Jihye: Practicing is hard. But I'm beginning to find excitement in the process and I want to dance with more charisma when practicing and on stage

[D-DAY of monthly evaluation]

Bang Si Hyuk: Okay, good job
Bang Si Hyuk: I was actually quite worried with JIHYE. She's very young when she come here and she should be under the protection of her parents. But she came all the way here to training. To me, she felt like a little bird all wet in the rain after falling from her nest. I felt really bad for her and was worried. Recently, she's started to gain confidence and began smiling
Miyoung: Wow, I'm already so excited

[JIHYE's Birthday]

Trainees: Dear our loving JIHYE, happy birthday to you

[Delivering the cake]

Jihye: This is my fifth birthday as trainee and all my trainee friends celebrated my birthday with me, so I felt so happy

[Present from Gunpo]

Jihye: Happy birthday to my loving daughter

[Getting teary by the thought of her mom. Don't cry]

Jihye: I missed my mom so much. The last time I saw her was at Chuseok day. That's why I suddenly got teary

[Video calling mom. They prepared a cake at home too]

Mrs. Park: Make great friends and I hope you support each other forever

[Touched by her speech]

Jihye: I came all the way here in Seoul to make my dreams come true and ever since then, everything about my life changed.
[Squirm. Still in her dreams. Oh I forgot about the camera]

Jihye: Hello! Wait a moment! I went to look for a hair tie but I couldn't find it so I think I'm gonna have to use this

[Put her hair up]

Jihye: It's cute, right? My mom bought it to me

[Washing up her face thoroughly. Ta-da! Face all washed]
[Skin care 1. Moisturizer. 2. Vaseline. 3. Eye-cream]

Jihye: It's no joke how my under-eye turns when I don't get much sleep.
Jihye: I still feel awkward with cameras but I'm in a good mood today, and I'll do my best!

[Vocal lessons]
[Huh So-Jung/ Vocal Teacher]

Huh So-Jung: You did great but here but you have to add more strength to that 'beauty through the' part and there has to be that 'wow' factor when you let that 'Pain' part out
Huh So-Jung: She was born with such a great talent and she knows how to use her own high-tone when hitting high-notes very well

[Practicing to be more powerful]

Jihye: I chose a song that I can sing powerfully and I'm going to sing with power and confidence

[Monthly Evaluation/2013.07]

Bang Si Hyuk: I kept talking about confidence with JIHYE and told you to sing with more power. I can see you've worked really hard. You're becoming more powerful. You have to practice hitting it hard to be able to hit it hard in real life. Good job! Show me power next time as well!

[I'll practice even harder]
Bang Si Hyuk: It's so interesting to watch JIHYE grow these days. Once she gets better in her confidence and gets used to the camera. I think she'll gradually let loose of the tension and really spread her wings wide. That's what I hope for

Jihye: I came from Gunpo, 23km away from here with the dream of becoming a Big Hit artist. That's how precious my dream is and I want this so badly. I really want to debut and perform on stage

[I know it's going to be hard, but I'm going to do my best and leave no regrets]

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