#2020 Netflix How Well Does ROSEQUARTZ Know Each Other

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#2020 Netflix How Well Does ROSEQUARTZ Know Each Other

Outfit [Jihye/Miyoung/Hayoon/Nari]

Outfit [Jihye/Miyoung/Hayoon/Nari]

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Jihye: I'm JIHYE

Miyoung: Hi, this is MIYOUNG

Hayoon: Hi, this is HAYOON

Nari: Hi, this is NARI

Jihye: It's been five years since our debut.

Miyoung: I think time really flies

Hayoon: Since we work together, we've gotten to know each other well.

Nari: We'll take this chance to find out what we think about each other

[Who, Me? With ROSEQUARTZ]
[Q. Who is most likely to adapt effortlessly in the Stone Age?]

Jihye: When stone was used to make tools.

Miyoung: I know. We need to answer quickly.

Nari: When stone was used?

Jihye: Yes

Nari: Okay okay

[Jihye 0/Miyoung 2/Hayoon 0/Nari 2]

Miyoung: It's me? Two of us chose NARI and the other two chose me.

Nari: Really?

Hayoon: Not us.

Jihye: No. We...

Hayoon: We can't adapt to it.

Jihye: We might die young

(What is she doing?)

Miyoung: I'm making fire

Jihye: Ah!

Hayoon: MIYOUNG is... Angry? No, not when she's angry

Miyoung: What?

Hayoon: I mean... If she need to survive you know, she became like...

Jihye: Like when she plays a game?

Hayoon: Yes. She became like... She changes.

Jihye: When she faces a crisis she overcome it.

Hayoon: That's right. That's what I wanted to say.

Nari: She's strong too.

Hayoon: She's the strongest among us.

Miyoung: Am I?

Nari: I feel the same way. That's why I choose her. I feel like she would adjust herself to the environment like you saw she light up the fire. It is possible for MIYOUNG.

Jihye: NARI gets close to people really fast. If she went back to the Stone Age, she's quickly become with the people of that time. I think she'll live well.

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