#2019 ROSEQUARTZ 8th Mini Album [Feel Special] Showcase

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#2019 ROSEQUARTZ 8th Mini Album [Feel Special] Showcase

Outfit [Jihye/Miyoung/Hayoon/Nari]

Outfit [Jihye/Miyoung/Hayoon/Nari]

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Sitting arrangementJihye|Miyoung|Hayoon|Nari

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Sitting arrangement

ROSEQUARTZ 8th Mini Album [Feel Special] Showcase



Jihye: 2, 3,
ROSES: Be as One! Hello, We're ROSEQUARTZ!
Jihye: How you all been doing well, CRYSTAL?
Jihye: HAYOON, what day is today?
Hayoon: Today, is finally the showcase of ROSEQUARTZ 8th Mini Album [Feel Special]
Hayoon: Welcome.
Miyoung: CRYSTAL, did you miss us?
Nari: We missed you so much too. We were really looking forward to today. Because we couldn't wait to show you our new album so we were counting down to today.
Miyoung: It's been so long.
Nari: I know.
Miyoung: It's so nice to see the CRYSTAL-bong are everywhere.
Nari: We all knew that CRYSTAL would love our new album, right?
Jihye: What is up with that confidence?
Miyoung: Why do you keep asking us to agree? Ask CRYSTAL.
Hayoon: CRYSTAL always loves us.
Nari: CRYSTAL fans... You know this, right?
Hayoon: Nope.
Nari: So cold headed.
Miyoung: CRYSTAL say they don't like something if they don't like it.
Nari: They're firm.
Hayoon: Yeah, that's true.
Jihye: Anyways, we want to talk about everything that happened during our break. So should we sit down and talk to CRYSTAL?
Nari: CRYSTAL, did you see our music video?
Nari: What did?
Nari: You haven't seen the performance on stage yet, so you can't wait, can you?
Nari: You'll be able to see it soon.
Jihye: We're out with our new album in September after our last album in April. So should we talk about what we've been up to? Since I started it, I'll go ahead and talk first. What I've been up to.
Nari: JIHYE is frozen.
Miyoung: What did you do?
Hayoon: What were you up to?
Nari: Lately...
Miyoung: She's frozen.
Jihye: Yes, I'm hurting.
Miyoung: JIHYE... JIHYE's bangs have gotten full.
Jihye: I got full bangs. I gut some more.
Hayoon: Why did you get a fuller bang?
Jihye: I just wanted to change my hairstyle a bit but I already had short hair so there wasn't much I could do and I discussed this with my hair designers and they suggested a full bang for me so I said okay and tried it.
Hayoon: It looks nice on you.
Hayoon: Anyone else? NARI unnie
Jihye: What did you do NARI?
Nari: I... Are you... I took Nana out on a walk. Nana obeys her owner well.
Jihye: Why are you speaking casually?
Hayoon: All of a sudden, we're like friends.
Jihye: Yeah.
Nari: And what everyone do? What did you do, MIYOUNG?
Miyoung: I talked about what I wanted to do so I did it. Eating with my family members and nice scenery in a good atmosphere.
Jihye: MIYOUNG, you bleached your hair for the first time since debut. It looks so nice.
Miyoung: It wasn't this color for album jacket. It was a silver white tone but it started to fade and I thought that this color was nice too. So this is what I ended up with for our comeback.
Jihye: Any member who wants to talk?
Hayoon: Well, now... in 5 years, it my first time without bangs. Right?
Hayoon: It's my first promotion period without bangs. Is it good?
Hayoon: Really? I said no to this hairstyle. Even when I shot our M/V. Well, the agency really wanted it. So I took up the courage.
Nari: How was your holiday?
Nari: You slept long hours. Good.
Miyoung: I only ate and slept too.
Nari: You saw a teaser? Good job.
Jihye: Okay, why don't we move on because we have talked a lot about how we've been?
Hayoon: The "Kill This Love" M/V got 500 million views!
Hayoon: It is all thanks to CRYSTAL.
Miyoung: How many times have you seen it? I am asking to the members.
Hayoon: We?
Miyoung: How many times have you seen it?
Jihye: Then, you?
Miyoung: I have not seen the "Kill This Love" M/V.
Jihye: What?
Miyoung: I have seen it once.
Jihye: Why? Personally?
Miyoung: Yes. Personally just once.
Hayoon: I have seen it three times.
Jihye; Anyway, we have had fun with talking about our holidays.
Nari: What?
Jihye: Am I wrapping up too suddenly? I think you have had a good time.
Jihye: Good. Okay, it is time to show our next stage. NARI and MIYOUNG, I want you to introduce it. Do it, please.
Miyoung: The next song is "RAINBOW".
Nari: Then, "LOVE FOOLISH". You know we are self-produce music right?
Nari: Let me tell you about this song. I wrote it in Hawaii. While listening to music, I was thinking hard about what to write. If you have a beloved one, you can tell sweet or white lies. Let's say I am sick. Asked if I am okay, I would say I am okay. If I say I am sick, he would be sad. So you just say, "I am fine". So... It can be a message to CRYSTAL.
Nari: I wrote the song.
Miyoung: Are you okay?
Hayoon: I am really sick.
Miyoung: Are you okay?
Jihye: She does not care about me.
Nari: You wrote "RAINBOW".
Miyoung: We are prone to hurting. We can hurt others. We are living in such an era. Don't you think?
Miyoung: Right. That is too easy and common. Don't give in to such minor things. Even if it takes long, you should find your meaning. I want to deliver this message to your fans.
Hayoon: I have something to tell.
Miyoung: What?
Hayoon: You gave me a guide. The rap part was so cute.
Nari: She laughed at it while doing it.
Hayoon: Right. Yes.
Jihye: Okay, let's sing it and keep going.
Miyoung: Good. It can be TMI. I was thinking of HAYOON while writing this song.
Hayoon: Me? Really?
Miyoung: I thought of her. Let's check it out.

"Love Foolish"

Jihye: The two songs are really exciting. I feel awkward a bit.
ROSES: Right.
Jihye: Did you enjoy them?
Hayoon: I really wanted to stand up during the songs.
Jihye: Me, too.
Miyoung: Yes, me too. If you want to check out dance moves of the two songs, come to the concert.
Hayoon: I think we have lots of exciting songs for this album.
ROSES: Right.
Hayoon: So we have lots of songs that make me want to dance with you at the concert.
Jihye: Other than the two songs in the album, we have a special fan song, which is our favorite. I don't know how to call it. 2129?
Miyoung: 21:29?
Nari: Let's explain where this title came from.
Miyoung: Yes, we should explain.
Nari: The secret...
Miyoung: You should talk about it.
Nari: Why is it 21:29? We have some proof.
Miyoung: At 9:29, the lyrics were done. Right.
Hayoon: Yes, sharply.
ROSES: Right.
Hayoon: It was the day for the Manila concert.
Jihye: Right.
Nari: The concert... Was it during the waiting time?
Miyoung: Right. All of them like "MIYOUNG, get you laptop and lets all members participate in writing fans song".
Miyoung: We put together lyrics when it was available during the tour. It was done at 9:29.
Jihye: Right, we nice were together there.
Nari: Right.
Nari: So CRYSTAL, are you excited about checking out "Feel Special"?
Hayoon: I have a question.
Miyoung: HAYOON has a question.
Hayoon: CRYSTAL, the song has just been released. Have you memorized and practiced the fan chant?
Miyoung: You want to practice?
Hayoon: I think you look dumbfounded.
Miyoung: I think when we did "KILL THIS LOVE" you were really good.
Nari: Burdening you.
Hayoon: Raising expectations.
Jihye: Has any of you been to the "KILL THIS LOVE" showcase?
Nari: A lot of you. Awesome.
Hayoon: I think you are suddenly looking at the mobile. You must be sweating.
Miyoung: Open it. I will give you some time to practice. Shall we practice?
Jihye: Good, good.
Miyoung; For us to practice singing too.
Jihye: Then... Okay.
Hayoon: The chorus part? The intro.
Miyoung: Go with the intro, first. Shall we?
Jihye: Can we?
ROSES: 1, 2, 3, 4. *Start the intro*
Jihye: You're confident is being hurt right now.
Miyoung: I think this fanchant does good for the intro part. The intro part matters.
Nari: Right.
Jihye: You are pushing them too hard. It's been one hour since they checked out the song.
Hayoon: They are looking at the floor.
Miyoung: Really?
Hayoon: You remind me of myself
Miyoung: You can practice here at the showcase.
Jihye: Right.
Hayoon: It's okay, I trust you.
Jihye: We are going to show your stage.
Miyoung: Really?
Jihye: Making them more excited.
Nari: You know. Just stand on the fringe of the stage do that you don't interrupt.
Jihye: Was I disturbing?
Miyoung: When you are seated, you should do better for you dance. Even when you are seated.
Hayoon: Your legs can move.
Miyoung: The edge of the fingers as saem said. You should do the details.
Nari: You did not dance for "KILL THIS LOVE"
Hayoon: Right.
Miyoung: We practiced for the head positions.
Jihye: I had fun watching you.
Hayoon: She was just watching us dancing during "KILL THIS LOVE". I was looking at her and she was waving at me.
Jihye; Wasn't it fun?
Jihye: I have not seen the rest doing the stage.
Miyoung: I also want to see.
Hayoon: Yes, I am curious too.
Nari: Okay now... Okay, let's get started.
Nari: ROSEQUARTZ 8th Mini Album [Feel Special]. Go!
Miyoung: I am looking forward to JIHYE's upper body dance.
Miyoung: See you soon.

[Feel Special MV]
"Feel Special"

Jihye: Wow, ROSEQUARTZ is awesome.
Jihye: We're prepared so hard for this "FEEL SPECIAL" performance. Do we look tired? The choreography for the song was pretty tough. So we were worried. But it turned out well. Most of all, I think the meaning of the song is very nice. I think it's so nice.
Hayoon: Compared to when we are at our studio practicing. We are much more energetic all thanks to CRYSTAL.
Nari: CRYSTAL is always with us and cheering us. We are so grateful.
Miyoung: When we released our album, we come to care about the rankings and others people's reaction. But this song is for us and CRYSTAL. We want it to empower us. All of us think of it that way. Even those who aren't necessarily a fan of us could also be empowered and feel peace when they listen to this song.
Nari: It was nice comments.
Jihye: NARI do want to say something for CRYSTAL?
Nari: This album is so meaningful to us and also for CRYSTAL. And MIYOUNG has mentioned, we care about rankings, but this album we won't be so worried. We are so happy that the song come out. I hope that the lyrics will allow the audience to empathize and feel peace. Thank you.
Hayoon: I extremely like this album, I like the other albums but I especially like this one. So with this album, I hope that we could bring comfort to CRYSTAL and communicate with CRYSTAL.
Hayoon: The more you think about the lyrics, the more you get to think that it's written for CRYSTAL.
Hayoon: I think that way. "I smile again, because of you". Such lyrics.
Jihye: This song is about what we want to say to CRYSTAL and our members. I think of it that way.
Bella: I hope this song will last long and stay long. We also want CRYSTAL to keep long memories. We want to create memories with this song "Feel Special". Let's keep it for a long time.
Jihye: Now, we would like to say goodbye. Thank you so much for being with us today. Till here.
ROSES: Be as one! This ROSEQUARTZ. Thank you, bye!
Miyoung: CRYSTAL!
Nari: You thought it was over?
Miyoung: We need to sing this for you again.


Hayoon: Bye bye!
Miyoung: Last goodbye.
Hayoon: Have a safe trip back home.
Jihye: Bye CRYSTAL.
Hayoon: See you!
Nari: Thank you and bye!

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