"I hope you'll forgive my discretion, but I figured you'd be more comfortable beyond the eyes of your men." Iseul turned to a small table in the corner, extending a cup towards Jimin. "Tea?"

Jimin silently accepted the cup from her, taking a seat on the nearest beanbag at her request. "The matters you wanted to discuss?"

Iseul clucked her tongue as she took a sip from her own cup, settling herself down on a beanbag of her own. "You never did like to beat around the bush." Her gaze flashed up toward his. "Tell me, how is it, now that Jungkook's dead? Do you like the rush of power you get sitting in his spot?"

Jimin's jaw clenched. "I didn't come here to talk about Jungkook."

She seemed to evaluate him carefully, tilting her head to the side a little. "I see. I guess you still feel indebted to him, don't you? After all, he was the one who took you in, wasn't he? Thought you were more than the little whore you are?"

Jimin's grip tightened on the cup in his hands.

"I bet you were eager to bend over for him too, weren't you?"

Jimin's gaze narrowed as he straightened his shoulders. "Jungkook trained me to fight, to be a right hand. Nothing more than that." He spat the last part out, venom dripping from his tone.

Iseul's smirk deepened as her eyes flickered to Jimin's neck, to the dark marks poking out from the collar of his jacket, leftovers from the other night's mission. Jimin blushed, fighting the urge to yank his collar back up. The ones on the top of his neck had healed enough to be covered, but the ones around his collar bones were slow to fade.

"Still someone's whore, I see," she remarked, leaning back in her seat. "At least that much hasn't changed."

Jimin said nothing. There was no point in correcting her. Even if he wasn't An's whore, he had spent a night tangled up in his rival boss's bed.

"I hope you see what has me questioning my faith in the Purgatory to protect us," Iseul continued, feigning an apologetic look that had Jimin wanting nothing more than to slap it right off her face. "And why I've taken precautions to insure my safety and the safety of my workers."

Jimin frowned, setting his cup of tea down, but before he had the chance to question her, the beads in front of the door were shifting again and a boy walked through, flashing an easy smile at Jimin. He was tall, his shoulder-length blonde hair drifting in front of his face every now and then. He was beautiful.

"I don't think you two have met before," Iseul started slowly, hiding a smile behind the rim of her cup. "Jimin, meet Hyunjin. But I trust you know him under a different name. The Hatter."

Jimin felt his stomach drop to the floor as Iseul's smile grew, the world tilting on its axis.

Hyunjin gave Jimin a quicksilver smile as he offered him a little bow. "Nice to finally meet you, Reaper."

Jimin's attention flashed back to Iseul, but she was still sitting there as calmly as ever. "We don't trust the Purgatory to protect us anymore," she said like she was simply reciting a fact. "From now on, we'll be placing our faith in the Kingmakers."

Jimin wanted to protest, but he couldn't think straight over the roaring in his head. The Kingmakers... He'd so desperately hoped they were done with them. They'd nearly lost Jungkook against them. Jimin couldn't afford to lose anyone else right now.

He hated the way Hyunjin looked at him like he was easy prey. Iseul must've told him about his past, must've ratted him out. She must've told him he was coming today and staged this confrontation. She always did live for the drama.

Hyunjin took a seat across from Jimin, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "Listen, I'm going to make this very simple for you. By now, my men should have disposed of the three soldiers you stationed outside. You have no backup, no way out. Which is why you're going to do exactly as I say."

Jimin suddenly hated him. Hated him with such a fierce passion that it almost hurt.

Hyunjin seemed to take note of the fire in Jimin's gaze, but that only made his smile more pronounced. So quickly Jimin didn't have time to react, Hyunjin grabbed his hands, latching handcuffs onto his wrists as he locked them into place. He maintained eye contact with the older boss as he allowed his hands to drift down to Jimin's hips, locating the gun stashed into the waistband of his pants and letting them linger for just a second longer than necessary if only to see his reaction.

Hyunjin simply smirked at the glare Jimin leveled at him, placing a gag in his mouth just as fast as he'd pulled out the handcuffs and easily twisted it around his head. "I trust you understand these precautions," he said, fake sympathy laced in his tone even as his eyes glittered darkly. "I can't exactly trust you to deliver my message based on your word alone."

Jimin felt his blood run cold.

Hyunjin's smile revealed nothing. "I want you to deliver a message to the Arsonist."

A million thoughts swirled around Jimin's head, none of them good. Did he know about Jimin and Yoongi? Was this his way of letting Jimin understand what would happen if he crossed him too?

But above all, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of trap the blonde-haired boy planned on setting for Yoongi.

Hyunjin toyed with his newly-acquired gun. "When I say so, I want you to put those pretty hands in the air and walk out the door. Do whatever they tell you. And don't even think about running away. You wouldn't want anything to happen to your little friend, would you? What was his name? Taehyung?"

Jimin's eyes widened. After all he'd done to keep Taehyung safe...

That same sadistic smile. "I believe we're in agreement then."

Before Jimin could fully process what was happening he was being shoved onto his feet, Iseul regarding him with cold eyes as Hyunjin waved him out the door, gun pointed at his head. Jimin didn't bother to tell him he didn't need to use it. The only word he'd needed to say to get him to comply was "Taehyung."

But Jimin couldn't help the heavy feeling that settled in his stomach with every step. The Hatter had said this was a message for Yoongi, but he'd never specified what the message was. Which must've meant he had something else up his sleeve.

And, despite himself, he worried about what that meant for the older boy. Whatever feelings he had for Yoongi, he didn't wish to see Hyunjin get the better of him.

Jimin blinked groggily at the bright light that washed over him the second he stepped outside. He didn't have much time to adjust before hands grabbed him and a cloth was held over his nose.

And then, he knew nothing.

• • •

wrote this one at starbucks 😎

sorry these posts have been so spread out. i wanted to post more frequently but unfortunately it hasn't really worked out like that. to everyone still reading, thank you so so much, you have no idea how much it means to me! i'll try to post as much as possible, but thank you for your patience and continued support <3

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