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“Hecate Son, was her and her mortal lover's son, he had immense power and was the child of gods but in our kind only women can be the strongest. He couldn't rule over us. The Priestess of Hecate's temple at that time, fell in love with the Hecate son and pursued him
Until, He gave in. The result of their love was born.

Ameia, Golden Hearted Princess of Witches. She had powers of both her father and mother, making her the strongest witch ever been born. A demigod and a witch at the same time. Beautiful golden eyes that reflected the world in them and curly brown hair, which complimented her pale skin,”

I saw the sweetest smile on High Priestess lips as she takes her time to define the Queen. My mind making the image of the girl using the description, I can just feel how beautiful she must be.

I smiled, “She had a friend too, she was daughter of Aphrodite. Goddess of Beauty, love and Pleasure. They always stayed together, she cherished her very much. It was until the king of monsters, fell in love with Ameia the first time he set his eyes on her,” I gazed at her with my squinted eyes.

“King of Monsters?”
“He was son of Lucifer, the devil and King of Hell and a hybrid of Vampire and Werewolf, Lilith,” He was beautiful, but his only flaw was he was a monster. Both of them belonged to different clans.

He loved her, she hated him for his origin.
“Whoa? It wasn't his mistake, he was born that way?”
The High Priestess chuckles, causing her laugh to echo in the humongous room, “People were not so open-minded back then as they are now. Even though she was the Queen,”
“Oh! But—” I sigh, not having energy to carry on, so I just asked her to tell me the rest of the story.

“His love turned into obsession, obsession to keep her all for himself. So, that, No one can see her, only him. He started to move. He began to kill the witch and werewolf closest to her. Not only that, but he killed her parents, brutally. At that time, she didn't know, so when he tried to comfort her, she gave in. She thought, despite his nature, He was a good person.

Just at the time, her perception about him began to change. Her friend told him every deed he did and when she confronted him. He killed her friend right before her eyes, took her away by force, thinking she was weaker than he. She cursed him at that time, “You and your male descendants will go through the pain and agony and all of them will perish young,”

It was his mistake to think she was weak.

How can she be weak? When she had Hecate behind her. The strongest goddess whom even the king of God is scared. He can't die because he was immortal and to kill him, Ameia broke the laws of nature and did dark magic to kill him. In the process, she died as well. Everyone thought she will never be reborn again, if she does, she won't be able to manifest her powers,”

“Then, why is everyone so excited about the Queen when she can't even manifest her powers?” I ask, frowning.

"Well, she won't be able to manifest when the darkest of powers in the world try to take over, to make Humans their slave. She needs support of people, her more trusted people. To remember her past, To remember herself, will she be able to end this dark era and establish the new order,"

Her words felt ringing in my ear. Everything went numb, my senses felt numb. When I heard her tell me the prophecy that is only passed down to the new High Priestess when the old ones are on the deathbed.
She begins to cough violently. Her breathing getting irregular and everything fell in chaos as everyone rushed to her side. I felt her hand on my cheeks, she caresses me in the midst of the pain.

“Find her, you can, and protect her, Ari! You're born for this,” She whispers, until she closes her eyes and her hand falls. My body shook greatly before, I tear rushed down my cheeks.

“AUNT!” I cried her name out.

The day was grim after that, everything was quite in the mansion. I sigh as I quietly sit by the window of my room. Her condition was stabilized, but she didn't regain consciousness. A sigh escapes my lips, When I hear a knock on the door. I rolled off the bed and went towards the door, opening it. Woosuk and Moyeon were standing there.

“What are you two doing here?” I ask, raising my brows.
“Noona, let's go clubbing!” Woosuk utters. I give him a look. Are you crazy?
“Come on Ari Noona please na!” He pleaded like a dog wet and abandoned in rain. I squint my eyes.
“Let's get ourselves drunk come on noona Because you need to clear your head or your brain will explode!” woosuk said and grabbed my hand pulling me out of my room.

“Woosuk, you do know that it's not possible, wait. . . Woosuk do you want me to go clubbing looking this shabby!”
“Shabby, you look gorgeous even in shabby clothes.”
“Ugh. Fine, don't pull me.”

I said, and we were already standing outside. I walk to the car behind them and, opening the door, I slip inside the backside passenger seat.

“Oh, Ms. Min, why are you sitting behind?” Moyeon asks in soft voice.

I gazed at Woosuk who was quite pleased with my seat. I knew, I have seen the way he gazes at her, it's full of love and admiration. He likes her. I better stay away from their matter. I can't believe he is taking me there for third wheeling.

I roll my eyes, Moyeon sits in the front, still being conscious of me. I sigh.

“Don't worry, Moyeon, sit calmly. I don't feel bad. I don't have a habit to sit in front either because. . .”
“Oh come on Ari Noona don't flex your husband's money," Woosuk jokes. I roll my eyes. Sure thing.

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