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I looked through the files reviewing the documents and signing them. When my phone glowed up and saw the text message appearing on it. My eyes narrowed when I saw Ari's name and after hesitating for a moment. I unlocked my phone and scanned the entire message.

[Jena Lee: Yeonjun oppa, Is Ari sick? I was just asking because I saw her rushing in the Sungkuk hospital. . . she looked quite worried]

I read the entire text message. I squit my eyes. Sick? I did leave her that day but sick? without replying her. I put my phone away and look at my secretray to find out about it. But his expression suddenly turns grim while talking on the phone to someone. I raise my eyebrows waiting for him to tell me. He puts the phone aside, "Young master, The men we sent to follow Nam Jaejun told that Jaejun got in an accident and got admitted to Sungkuk hospital,"

The moment I hear the name, I check the message Jena sent me. Sungkuk hospital? As long as I remember there is only one in this city. No way? I look at ny assitant. Blood boiking with anger. I gritted my teeth.

The beast inside me was seething with anger and growling.

"She dared to break out trust again!!" I closed my eyes taking deep breaths trying to push it back inside me. I shook my head before calling Ari.

"Where are you?"

Ari: "I'm at Sungkuk hospital my friend got in an accident and she has has no family so I——"

"Go back to home,"

"Huh? Like now? Mansion?"


"Um. . .  is there something wrong?" She asks but I hung up.

After the call with Ari ended I gazed at my assistant who was shuddering in fear. My hand covering my eyes trying my best not to kill the human right in front of me.

"Find out where Ari go!"


I was still at the hospital chatting, catching up with her when she suddenly asked.

"How is your relation with your husband going?"

I took a little time, remembering how she used to nag at me to not make Yeonjun angry and how Yeonjun is a million times better than Jae it made me smile. I was about to answer her question but she interrupted me with her outburst.

"Ari, Don't tell me you again tried something funny! Why can't you leave that junk! Yeonjun is much better looking and rich and better than him in every aspect! Why can't you just give up on the idea of running away and divorcing him? I know this time you must have tried but Jae again got you caught and that Jena... She might have brainwashed you. She is even worst than your cousin. Why are you friends with such a person? I don't understand?"

"What? No, I didn't do anything funny. I have been staying away from Jena as well and I broke up with that bastard and-and, About Yeonjun .  .  . Its just he is been ignoring me these days, Other than that everything is fine," I say with a sweet smile on my face.

She looked awestruck narrowing her eyes a sigh escaped her lips when she realized that I was there.

"Um . . . . Okayyy so why is he been avoiding?" She asks cautiously. Yeji was always supportive and to her Yeonjun being a vampire was still better than Jaejun in every aspect. She wasn't wrong. Its not in our hands how we are born. She always said that to me, I ignored.

I sigh looking down at my lap, "He said not to put a show of lovey dovey couple,"

"Huh?" She gives a perplexed expression. I nod, confirming her doubts.

"You acted fake lovey dovey for him? Why?"

I look outside the window avoiding her gaze, "Well, I wanted to go univeristy. He allowed me so I thought I'd make up for it by . . . . You know," I stop, scratching my forehead. She was a smart person and we shared same braincell. She understood what I meant.

"You wanted to return favour and that's why? Of course, He would hate it. You made him look like a pathetic one here,"

"I know but what am I suppose to do?!" I exclaim, "My feels cannot change no matter what I do? Whenever I'm in front of him, Memories of high school always flashes in my head and whatever he did to me, He practically owns me and it irritates me the mere thought of it irriates. I'm not living in some novel or web-drama that I will fall for a man who bought me like I'm some sort of cattle!" My vouce broke and tears streams down but I didn't stop. Right now, I was triggered. She didn't interupt me.

"He has everything, He can give me everything I wish for but it feels like a burden. I can never return it to him no matter what? I never feel equal, I feel like lowly slut and the mistress type of woman. Do you know how the servants look at me? Like a dirt. The looks I get everytime someone visits the mansion or a guest. I hate it."

I sob, my hands turning wet from the tears falling of my face. I felt her hand on my head, "But you can't do anything else, Hang on everything will be fine!" She says softly. I knew, What could she even say. I nod, wiping off my tears. 

I turned to Yeji, "Okay, I think I should go don't worry I'll come back tomorrow,"

"Okay," She said and I bid her goodbye. Standing up and walking towards the elevator and pushed the button ground floor. My phone rang and it was Yeonjun calling so I picked the phone.

Yeonjun: "Where are you" his voice was cold and even though he was not beside me I could still feel the chills. I smiled sheepishly.

"I'm at Sungkuk hospital my friend got in an accident and," I said but was interrupted by the cold voice.

Yeonjun: "Go back home now," He hung up, I looked at the phone confused, narrowing my eyes.

"Huh? Like Now? Mansion?"

"Yes," His voice was little rigid. I frown. Something felt off. I wondered if I should ask but ignoring my hunch. I did it anyway, "Is there something wrong?"

As I asked, He hunged up on me. I gave a confused look. I shook my head. Shrugging off the weird thoughts off my head. I looked at the screen on the top while, the elevator went down. With a ting sound the door opened.

Wondering what's wrong with him? He asked me to go home, Home was not a dorm but the mansion where I lived before with him. But, why is he asking me for going home? Did he prepare something for me?

I smiled unaware of what was coming my way.

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