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The wind was blowing slowly, the clouds drifted in the sky. The class was like usual chattering and yelling. I was sitting in the corner like usual reading a French novel. I was at the 49th page.

I sensed someone behind me and turned around to see Yeonjun smiling his hand had a yoghurt drink and he placed one on my table.

"What are you reading? Damn it's all in french!" He said drawing a chair from an empty seat and placing it in front of my desk, sitting and rocking the chair while drinking yoghurt.

"You know french?" I asked blinking furiously and he tilted his head and said,"Yeah, a little bit,"
"Oh, Can you say something I french?" I asked wondering if he knows something. Or is he just bragging to impress me?
"Je ti'aime,"
"You what it means?" I asked.
"Its means... I love you," I said without much thinking and smiled and he smirked all of a sudden, "I love you too,"

I was frozen to my place. The world around me felt disappearing when I heard him saying those words. My stomach twists, a chuckle escaped from the back of my throat. I knew I was grinning like a lunatic while the heat was rushing to my face and he winked, "Are you trying to flirt with me?"

"Um... yeah!" I smiled again, "It's working," He smiled victoriously as if he achieved a trophy for the student of the year.

"Holly molly, Is Min Ari blushing?" He asked faking astonishment and I pursed my lips and stared at him pointedly. He became quiet, but I could see it took a hard time for him to stop grinning and seeing how cute he looked I finally burst into fits of laughter.





I changed into a tracksuit, our PHE uniform and was folding my clothes keeping them inside the paper bag and turned around to see a girl, Neah, she was a rich quiet girl with lots of attitudes and not many people liked her.

"Yes?" I asked trying not to show my disgust, "You... stay away from Yeonjun,"

The moment I couldn't even hide my disgust and scrunched my face. But, breathed out and smile, "Are you done? then mind leaving my way," I said with a smile. Trying to walk past her but she yells at me, "Who do you think you're to ignore me?" she screams.

"Who said I was ignoring you? I heard what you said and now I wish to leave,"
"Better stay away from him he is mine,"
"He is a human, not a doll that you can be like 'Oh he is mine' If you like him just go and confess," I said and walked past her intentionally hitting her shoulder. My mood was ruined because of the girl and I, who hated physical edu. period to my guts even hated it more.

"What's with the grimace?" A voice cocked into my ear and I turn my head to face him scowling at Yeonjun and he looked uncomfortable with my eyes but, I did not care.

"Nothing, I just don't like physical ed. it's too tiring and I have a weak body I prefer breathing exercise," I shrugged my shoulder while saying.

"You're just like my brother..." He said I could feel him grinning so I turn to face him and he looked cute with that small smile playing on his lips.

"You've brother?"
"Yup, I've five brothers," He said proudly, It fascinated me. My mom was pregnant with my brother but mom died while giving birth and the baby was stillborn and I was left with no one. So I liked it when people talked about their siblings (lowkey jealous of them).

"You're like my second brother he comes after me, he hates moving around and exercising,"
"Seems like we would get along when we met," I teased him and he pouted, "You wish, well he is a introvert kid but who knows?" He shurgs his shoulder looking at me sidewise. I glance at him, his small eyes. The black circles under them, even though his face looked worn out. His eyes were sparkling as he continued talking about his brothers. I wasn't even paying attention to what he was saying. He looked genuinely happy for the first time.

"Do you spend lots of time with your family?" I asked him while walking around the court to not be noticed by PE teacher.

"I do like it, but these days. . . " He whispers and his expression turns gloomy. I wondered why was his expression like that. Is he not getting enough time to spend with his sibilings?

"You can tell me if you want? I mean if you feel comfortable with sharing it with me," I say rubbing the back of neck. Trying my best to offer a helping hand and not bring awkward.

He chuckles, "Its nothing much we just don't get along sometimes and we have our own problems so we sometimes lash out on each other," He said. He shared his problem but, what should I say in reply? Should I say its alright or should I it will get better. I don't know much about them.

Think. Think. Ari Think for something comforting.

"You can try talking out with them or maybe give them sometime, you know! Uh. . ." I was saying when he suddenly looked at me. I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to juggle my brain to squeeze out few more sentences. I was bad at making conversation and most of the time I couldn't say something comforting even if I wanted to. That affected my friendship greatly.

Yeonjun looked at me with wide eyes. Before he smiled, "Yeah I can do that too," he said smiling. I wasn't sure if it was sarcastic or not. I didn't wanted to make it awkward anymore. I smiled back sheepishly, "Uhm I guess I heard someone calling me. I should go ,"I quickly said and turned around leaving him there.

He was still smiling at me, wven though I wasn't. I don't know why? It was still gentle as ever. Maybe he wasn't sarcastic when he said that.

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