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                       Two Months Later..

It was a chilly November morning. Ranboo sat inside Phil's house by the fireplace reading with a blanket wrapped around him. He heard a knock coming from outside. Ranboo set down his book and walked over to the door. He looked out the window and saw the snow falling lightly outside. He threw on one of Technoblade's capes.

Ranboo opened the door and a gust of cold wind hit him in the face. Ranboo shivered and looked around. He saw no one outside. Ranboo started closing the door when he noticed a weathered envelope lying on the ground. Ranboo bent down to pick it up and inspected it.

It had nothing on it other than a messy, 'For Ranboo' scribbled on the front. Ranboo looked at the letter as he retreated back inside the warm house and hung up Technoblade's cape. When he looked up Phil was standing in front of him.

Phil looked at what he was holding. "What is it?" He asked. 

Ranbok turned the envelope over. "It's a letter... From Tubbo!" He exclaimed. "TECHNOOO!! Ranboo called out. "A LETTER FROM TUBBO CAME!!" 

Technoblade slowly ambled out of his room. "What about a letter.?" He asked tiredly. 

Ranboo was practically bouncing with excitement. "The letter Tubbo said he would write me!!" 

"Alright.. so why don't you sit down and read it."Technoblade said.


Ranboo sat down on the couch he was previously reading on. Phil and Techno sat on either side of him. Using his nails Ranboo ripped open the envelope and carefully took out a white piece of paper. He immediately recognised Tubbo's messy handwriting inside. He opened his mouth and started reading it aloud.

Dear Ranboo.

      Hi!! This is from Tubbo!!! I hope this letter arrives sometime in October, it took a while to figure out how to actually send it, hehe.

I hope you're doing well, Niki found a spider hybrid she named Shroud, he's becoming good friends with Fundy. Are you, Techno, and Phil doing good? I hope you are. Wait I already said that- never mind.

The village is getting pretty cold now that it's turning fall, the first snow has almost fallen! I remember from somewhere that you live in the artic, correct? It must be freezing over there by now!

Oh..! Also, you left the book you got from Niki here! Not much in it really, just on the first page. Well... guess who has a new journal nowwww. That's right I'm stealing it, nothing you can do will stop my evilness!

On a different note- Phil still needs to come and fight me in the kitchen. I haven't forgotten about our cooking duel! You guys can come visit whenever, I'm sure everyone will be glad to see you!

Also Eryn made some cookies! You haven't met him have you? He lives next door to Purpled. Very skilled baker. I would send you guys some, but I didn't know if they would go bad by the time this letter has arrived. For now just imagine the taste....

Anyways I really miss you.. even though it's only been a couple weeks.

Well have a great fall!

     Your Friend, Tubbo.

Ranboo finished reading the letter and set it down on the table in front of them.

"It was kind of Tubbo to send us a nice letter like that." Phil commented.

"What do you mean?" Ranboo asked. "We promised to write to each other remember?"

"Oh right! I guess it just slipped my mind." Phil chuckled nervously.

"I should start writing back to Tubbo right now so that he knows we got it!"

"That's a good-"

Phil was cut off by Ranboo as he sprang up from the couch to the nearest chest rummaging around for paper. Eventually he pulled out a piece and sat back down. He took a pencil as well from the chest.

Ranboo slapped the paper on the table, then began to write.

"Dear Tubbo..."

637 Words

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