Chapter 6

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Phil used a paddle to push off from shore and they began sailing towards the first island. Phil and Techno shared a smile. This was the beginning of a long journey.

Phil POV

Phil reached his hand out the side of the boat and let it run through the water. It was getting colder. They were getting closer.

"Can you stop feeling the water for five minutes and paddle? We're almost there and you're dragging us off course."

"Right. Sorry mate." Phil said sticking his arm back in their small boat with their dog. He grabbed his paddle and thrust it back into the water. Phil started to row again.

The water sloshed beneath their boat as Phil and Techno pushed it out of the way with their paddles.

We've already been paddling for three hours. "Phil." I sure hope that I guessed right about this island being the closest. "Phil!" Did we really drift that far off course from me feeling the water?

Phil pondered such questions in his head for what seemed like an eternity during the boat ride.

What would happen if I-


Philza snapped out of his head and back to reality.

He quickly turned his head to face Techno. Phil had a panicked expression on his face.

"What is it? What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Techno looked confused. "No... we're just almost there. I though you could help steer towards the beach."

A wave of relief passed over Phil's face. "Oh, yeah mate, sure."

Phil used the paddle to push the water out of the way and get closer to the first island. Phil could see the waves crashing ahead of them and hear the seagulls screeching.

Mist sprayed in their faces as Apollo sat up from the bottom of the boat and started wagging his tail.

Apollo started to bark. It was loud and the seagulls started to move away from above their little boat.

"Apollo shhh!" Phil said. "We don't want to send Ranboo into hiding! You know he's already sensitive to loud noises."

Apollo stopped barking and lowered his head in apology.

Phil leaned over to pet Apollo. "Aw, don't feel bad it's ok." Phil whispered in his large ears.

Apollo slowly swished his tail back and forth whilst sitting down.

"Hey, not to break up your conversation with my dog, but we're landing. I need you to get out and pull the boat to shore."

"Oh.. yeah. Sure mate."

Phil dropped down out of the boat and into the water. A bone-chilling sensation spiked up his legs and continued through to around his elbows.

He shook the feeling away as he tried to pull the boat onto the wet sandy shore.

Phil struggled to get the boat over a rock on the beach. His muscles were strained at the end yet he still helped Techno out of the boat.

"You don't have to help me with everything anymore Phil. I'm not a little kid. I haven't been for a while."

Phil smiled. "You'll always be young for me Techie."

Techno climbed out of the boat. Apollo followed after him. Techno bent down to help Phil lift it out onto the sand.

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