Chapter 23

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Tw: umm.. funeral?

Also this will be a long chapter guys so bear with me! I'm sorry it's late!

Tubbo POV:

Once the town had been informed, Tubbo stepped around his house and walked over to Apollo's grave. Ranboo, Techno, and Phil followed.

Tubbo stopped and looked at the rock that served as a tombstone. He sighed.

Slowly, he set Tommy down on the floor. Tubbo walked over to the shovel leaning against a nearby spruce tree.

He picked it up and forced it into the moist podzol. Tubbo began to dig.

Ranboo kneeled next to him and began shovelling dirt out with his hands. Technoblade and Phil joined shortly after.

When they had finished digging, a few people began to show up.

Niki arrived first in a black gown she had made herself. Following her was Aimsey with her adoptive son Fundy. Next, Minx, Conner, Eryn, Purpled and Charlie arrived.

Purpled brought a coffin from his carpentry shop.

Tubbo looked around at everyone gathered there. Fundy was crying at the sight of his dead friend. 

Tubbo slowly walked over to Purpled and took the coffin from him. "Thank you..." he whispered. Tubbo carried the wooden coffin over to Tommy. He set it down and picked up Tommy to place inside.

He began to pick up the coffin with Tommy, but Ranboo stopped him mid-way and helped.

Together they lifted it up and into the ground. The townspeople had their heads bowed down in remembrance. Once they had set Tommy down gently, they closed the coffin lid. Tubbo walked behind the grave and began to speak.

"Thank you.. so much for being here. It really means a lot for me, and I assume same with Tommy. He would've loved to see you all one last time." Tubbo paused. "A final thing, that I wish I could say to Tommy before he died was.. I love you. He was the best younger brother anyone could ever ask for and always knew how to cheer me up when I was feeling down." Tubbo looked down towards his left. "Buried beside Tommy today is my friend, Technoblade's, dog. Apollo was his name and he died fighting for us. I'll let Techno talk to you about him." Tubbo motioned Technoblade to stand next to him as he stepped out of the way.

"Good Morning, everyone. As you may have guessed, I am Technoblade. And.. I just want to say that.. Apollo, was an amazing dog. From the day Phil and I first found him in the woods abandoned by his pack, we knew we had to take him in as our own. At first, he would do nothing but destroy our furniture and flip his water bowl. Though after a while, he grew up to be one of the most loyal dogs anyone could ask for. He was eleven years old when he died in battle, and stayed with us 'till the very end. He brought joy to everyone he met, and never stopped being my best friend. Thank you." Technoblade stepped to the side and Tubbo took his place. 

Once more, Tubbo started speaking. "We appreciate you all so much for coming, and will now begin to bury him. He grabbed the shovel he set had down and took the first scoop of soil from the pile and dropped it in. Tubbo handed the shovel to Niki and nodded.

Niki took a scoop of soil and tossed it in.  She handed the shovel to Aimsey who threw another small pile in. Aimsey handed it to Fundy, and so forth, until the pile was gone, and Tommy was completely buried in the earth.

"Thank you.." Tubbo spoke softly. "You may go back to your homes now."

No one left. Instead Niki stepped forward and gave Tubbo and Technoblade a hug. The rest of the village slowly gathered in giving them hugs. Ranboo and Phil joined as well.

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