Chapter 7

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It's cold, dry fingers dragged across his hairline to the bridge of his nose. Tommy felt fuzzy as his body crumpled to the floor and the world faded to black.

Tubbo POV

Tubbo slowly knocked on the door to Tommy's room. Ranboo stood behind him and shifted his weight nervously.

"Tommy open up it's us." Tubbo said pressing his ear against the door.

No reply.

Worry coursed through Tubbo's veins. He always answers. Tommy always answers his door!

Tubbo knocked again. This time quicker. "Tommy this isn't funny open the door!"

No reply.

"Alright Tommy I'm coming in you better not be pranking me!"

Tubbo swung open the door to see two monsters dragging an unconscious Tommy through the window. Tubbo's face grew pale.

"Tubbo? Tubbo what's going on?!" Ranboo yelled from behind him trying to get a better view.

Suddenly, Tubbo charged at the monsters and tried to pry them off Tommy.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY BROTHER!!" Tubbo screeched. 

Ranboo rushed in to help Tubbo but froze once he saw the monsters.

Ranboo POV

No. NO! It can't be possible! They can't be here! They SHOULDN'T be here! But... that smile, those eyes.

Ranboo clutched his head. He could feel himself slipping. Ranboo sunk to the floor trying to keep a grasp on reality. He curled into a ball holding his head. It was getting harder to focus. The world was spinning so he shut his eyes tight. Sounds became muffled grunts and everything was fading...fading...fading.

He couldn't hold on any longer. Ranboo let go into the darkness of the enderwalk.

Tubbo POV

Tubbo failed to notice Ranboo behind him, and blinded by his own rage he charged again at the monsters trying kidnap Tommy. They shot him to the floor, and almost instantly, he sprung back up. Tubbo glanced at Ranboo shaking violently on the floor. Panic shot through him.

That was the opportunity the monsters needed to escape with Tommy. The first one hopped out of the window and the second one started to follow when Tubbo turned his focus back to them.

He ran towards them at an alarming rate only to be flung back by an invisible force.

Tubbo's body slammed against the door.

"TOMMY!! TOMMY NOO!!!" Tubbo cried trying to get reach him. He was being held back against the door.

The second monster hopped out the window and they started running away with the unconscious child.

Tubbo was released from the door and about to chase after them when he saw Ranboo laying motionless on the ground.

Tubbo crouched down next to Ranboo.


Ranboo stiffened.

Tubbo lifted Ranboo's head to see that his eyes were closed and a faint purple light was coming from underneath their lids.

"Ranboo..? Are- are you ok...?

Ranboo's eyes shot open. They were glowing a deep purple instead of their usual red and green. Ranboo hissed at Tubbo and scrambled to get up. He retreaded into the corner of the room, never taking his gaze off of Tubbo.

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