Chapter 19

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Techno POV:

Techno pushed the paddle through the water as the boat rocked from side to side making a sloshing sound.

"Techno please turn around, you're not being reasonable." Phil pleaded.

Technoblade ignored him and continued paddling.

"Technoblade look!!" Phil shouted in his ear.

"WHAT, Phil?! I'm trying to paddle here!"

Philza sighed. "Just.. look. It's the original island we stopped at." He pointed at the island almost completely engulfed in the mist.

Technoblade stopped rowing and rested the oar over the boat. "That was it? Phil? Just some stupid island?"

Phil stared at the island. His face grew more alarmed. He leaned over the edge of the boat and pointed frantically. "Techno look!! Another boat!"

"Really, Phil? Another boat? This is the ocean for crying out loud!"

There was indeed another boat nearing the island. It was approaching quickly and Phil could just barely make out four figures though the mist standing straight up.

"Look! There's people on it!!"

"Of course there is Phil, it's a boat."

"Should we check it out?"

"No, the boat isn't important."

"Technoblade. Let's see the other boat."

"If we look at the boat will you stop annoying me and we can go home in peace?"

Phil shrugged. "Sure."

"Alright.." Techno mumbled.

He grabbed the paddle and steered towards the island. Technoblade started paddling towards the strange boat in the mist.

"Hello there travelers!" Phil called out.

They turned to face him.

Phil froze. "Those aren't people..."

"What do you mean Phil, that's a rude thing to say."

He whirled around to face Technoblade. "They're Dreamons!"

Technoblade's eyes widened. "What are they doing here?!"

"I don't know but their bad news."

The Dreamons ignored Phil and Techno as they continued sailing towards the island.

"Phil do you see that in the back of their boat?" Technoblade pointed at a lump.

Phil was shocked. "That's Tommy! We need to tell Ranboo and Tubbo that he's here!"

"I want nothing to do with Ranboo." Techno said crossing his arms.

"Come on Techno, do it for me?"

Technoblade stole a sideways glance at Phil. "Do I even have a choice?"

"Nope! We're heading back!" Phil said cheerfully as he grabbed the paddle in front of Techno. "You dragged me through a forest, I'm dragging you back to the island. We are GOING to pick up Ranboo and Tubbo to bring them here and help Tommy."

"Phil why."

Phil ignored his question and shoved the paddle into the water. The boat tore through the small waves as Phil rowed as fast as he could.

Phil POV:

We are going to get Ranboo and Tubbo. We are going to get Ranboo and Tubbo. We are going to get Ranboo and Tubbo. Phil thought over and over in his head as he furiously repeated the same paddling motion. In, scoop, up, switch.

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