Chapter 10

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Phil smiled and turned away. His breathing falling into a rhythmic pattern, and once Techno knew that he was asleep he stood up and sat outside the door keeping watch.

Phil POV

Phil awoke to the sunlight shining in his face and the sound of Technoblade humming softly from outside the tent. He stood up and using his hand to shade his eyes, came out of the tent to see Techno leaning against a tree waiting for him. Phil cleared his throat and Techno glanced in his direction. Techno stood up from against the tree and strolled over to Phil.

"You ready to keep looking? We can hunt some cows or something on the way to the other side of the island. Apollo's been waiting."

Phil looked down at the dog by Techno's feet, happy to see Phil in the morning and wagging his tail.

"I'm ready to go." Phil said. "Let me get my hat first."

"Ok. So you're not  ready to go." Techno said in a monotone voice.

Phil laughed. "Guess so, just give me one minute while I grab it from inside." Phil said as he turned around and ducked into the tent.

Where did I leave it.  Phil thought as he rummaged through the supplies they had packed. He moved an old first-aid kit out of the way and saw the green and white fabric of his hat. There it is. Phil thought.

He took it out from the bottom of the pile and put it on his head. Phil stood up and backed out of the tent. Technoblade stood there waiting for him.

"Now are you ready?" Technoblade asked.

Phil nodded. "100%"

Technoblade grunted quietly as he pushed off from leaning against the tree. Apollo looked up at him expectantly.

"Let's go. The island isn't getting any smaller."

Phil chuckled. "Alright mate I'm coming."

Techno walked into the forest with Apollo at his heels. Phil followed in after them.


Techno POV

Almost there. I'm beginning to not recognise a few of these trees.

Techno strode through the forest and Apollo trotted happily after him sniffing some of the bushes along the way. Phil followed behind them looking around.

"This is around where I stopped looking and headed back." Phil said. "Did you go a bit further or are we already in uncharted territory?"

"Just a bit further. We're almost there." Techno said without looking back.

Phil nodded, even though he knew that Techno couldn't see him.

Technoblade looked ahead and squinted. Is that another clearing? Phil said he found one too, could this be it?

"I see something up ahead let's go see what it is." Technoblade sped up towards the clearing and Apollo bounded after him.

"Wait for me mate!" Phil half-shouted as he jogged to catch up to Techno and Apollo.

Techno stopped in his tracks and waited for Phil. Apollo stopped and looked back as well. Phil caught up to them and slightly out of breath said, "Thanks."

Technoblade smirked. "Old joints getting the best of you?" He joked. 

Phil scoffed. "Never."

Technoblade smiled "C'mon. There's a clearing up ahead. Let's check it out."

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