Chapter 5: Strange changes

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Yang was on her scroll typing a message and immediately she gets a response she laughs a bit and replies back.

Weiss: Hey Yang who have you been messaging. You've been on your scroll all day after our trip.

Yang: Oh I've been texting Y/N.

Ruby: Oh yeah him. He's really cool.

Weiss: When did you guys become friends?

Yang: At the lab. At first I just thought of him as a normal guy but I got to see who he truly is and he's really awesome. And funny. Especially since he gets really nervous sometimes. And he respects Faunus a lot. He declined a job from your father.

Weiss: He did!?

Yang: Yup.

Weiss: My father would have probably paid him well.

Yang: Yeah he knew that but still declined. Oh yeah I forgot to mention he's really smart too. Reminds of your boyfriend Ruby.

Ruby: I told him that too.

Hey I hate to do this but I'll talk to you later I'm going to head off to bed.

Alright talk to you later then tiger.

Meanwhile with Y/N he was still smiling with glee as he turned off his scroll and squealed a bit.

Y/N: Oh man! I can't believe it! This is awesome! Man I'm so glad I listened to Nora's advice.

Y/N stretches his arms out and his hand touches the the wall he's about to go to bed when his hand is stuck on the wall.

Y/N: What the heck?

He tries to pull again but to no avail he then pulls with all of his strength but is still unable to get his hand free from the wall he then puts both of his feet on the wall and pulls and finally got his hand free he smiles and until he looks down and realizes now his feet are struck on the walls he grunts as he tries to pull them off but each time he does that he just walk forward.

Y/N: Come on stop sticking!

Then he accidentally walks out the window and screams a bit.

Y/N: Whoa whoa whoa! Ok keep sticking keep sticking!

Y/N then carefully walks up the wall until finally he makes it to the roof of the dorm rooms he breaths heavily and crawls back away from the edge of the roof. He looks at his fingers and sees what looks like small little hairs that are the size of a bug then they all retreat back into Y/N skin.

Y/N: What's happening to me?

At Schnee laboratory one of the workers were flying on a glider showing it in front of the vale military soldiers.

Stromm: We solved the horizon glide and the multi-g balance issues.

Slocum: I've already seen the glider. That's not what I'm here for.

Jacques then walks down the stairs and sees the general.

Jacques: General Slocum good to see you again. Mr Balkan mr Fargas.

Fargas: Jacques.

Balkan: Mr Schnee.

Jacques: Always a pleasure to have our board of directors pay us a little visit.

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