Chapter 23: The dinner invite

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Yang was standing at the side walk waiting for Y/N.

Y/N: Hey!

She turns to look at the voice and sees Y/N.

Y/N: Is everything ok?

Yang: Yeah. You just missed him Spider-Man was here.

Y/N: Really? Ahh man. So was everyone able to make it back safely?

Yang: Yeah. All though that Green Goblin guy attacked again. He used a voice changer to sound like a woman and ambushed Spider-Man.

Y/N: Really?! Wait how do you know this stuff?

Yang: Spider-Man told us.

Y/N: Oh. *Scratches the back of his head* Right.

Yang: Well we better get going we have a dinner to get to.

Y/N: Oh yeah I almost forgot. So won't we need a ride.

Yang then takes out her scroll.

Yang: Well thankful we have Weiss as our friend.

Yang then calls Weiss Y/N smiles but then looks at the cut on his arm from the fight he got from Green Goblin he then covers it up with his sleeve.

Mini time skip they were at the mansion with the rest of team RWBY and there were others as well such as Ironwood Ozpin & Glynda Goodwitch.

Y/N: Aunt Glynda your here too?

Glynda: Yes. Ozpin was generous enough to invite me. Were you invited here too?

Y/N: Yeah. Yang brought me along so here I am.

Ruby: Are you sure Jacques is not planning anything.

Weiss: What could he possibly do Ruby?

Ruby: I don't know maybe... Maybe he's that goblin guy.

Weiss: Ok now you sound ridiculous. My father is without of a doubt a disgusting person but he wouldn't do anything crazy like that.

Ruby: Yeah. I guess you're right. Still it's pretty worrisome with that Green Goblin guy still running around.

Blake: Well we shouldn't worry since Spider-Man is here so he'll stop him.

Yang: Yeah but we all seen ourselves how Green Goblin was able to take on Spider-Man.

Team RWBY had worried expressions on there faces.

Y/N: Well we can't give up hope yet.

They all look at Y/N.

Y/N: Spider-Man has taken some really tough bumps but he always got back up. He hasn't given up yet. So we shouldn't either. We should help him the best way possible.

They all smiled hearing the word of encouragement from Y/N.

Weiss: Whoa. That was really well spoken.

Yang: Yeah. Since when did you get so well at motivational speeches.

Y/N: Oh it wasn't that good.

Then a 14 year old boy clears his throat they all turn to the direction of the voice and see Whitley.

Whitley: Ladies & Gentleman. If you could fallow me.

They all start to fallow Whitley into the mansion they then entered a dining table and see Jacques.

Jacques: Ahhh it's good to see you all.

Jacques: General. Ozpin.

Ozpin: Jacques

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