Chapter 45

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The dreaded New year's party is here, but at least the trip to my parent's house felt like a road trip with friends. We are all spending the night over and heading back home tomorrow at the end of the day.

Nico is terrified of being back home, and Ren is the one comforting him, instead of being the other way around. Connor just seems worried, mostly worried about me. My parents didn't seem to pay much attention to him and so he's trying not to care much as well.

Carla and Miranda are excited. The kids are with their father for the week, so they are taking some time for themselves and were happy to accompany us to the party. We got a babysitter for Hope and she's staying in one of the guests' rooms away from the party.

Rita is extremely excited about it. She says she hasn't had an excuse to dress up since her wedding day, and so Jorge couldn't say no and was dragged into the madness that is the New Year's party at Gallagher Mansion.

This party is a whole event around here. My parents' have thrown this party ever since I can remember. It's expensive, exuberant, we even have fireworks by the outdoor pool and a band. They love to invite their rich snobby friends, rub in their faces how well there are doing and how amazing our family is, which is a total lie.

Nico and I usually show up, smile for the photos, talk to their friends, and then leave. This way we keep up the appearances, our parents' stay happy for another year and don't nag us anymore.

"Fuck," Carla gasps as I open the front door, and we all cackle. "Hon, how rich are you, really?"

"We aren't. Our parents are," Nico intervenes.

My parents' house can't truly be described by any other word aside from mansion. It has a lot of similarities with the architecture in southern Italy, it resembles a lot the luxury villas in Tuscany.

It's the type of house that has multiple gardens and fountains and more rooms that I can count. Mom is Italian and even though she didn't grow up there, they visited some of her relatives a lot.

When they got married, they decided to bring a piece of Italy with them. I always thought that this was completely and utterly unnecessary. The house is usually empty, unless there's a useless event like today.

Nico and I give a quick tour around the house. Everything is set for the party, and we guide everyone to their respective rooms.

I walk into my room and it's exactly the way I left it. Before I moved in with Peter. After that, I never came back. I would visit my parents occasionally, but I never came back to my room. I walk around, picking up knickknacks I left lying around, books, makeup, and even some clothes.

There are some photos on the nightstand and on the dresser. One is of Peter and me, from when we started dating, we looked happy and in love. I shove that picture into the drawer. I thought I had gotten rid of everything.

"So, this is your room," Connor says as he hugs me from behind and places his chin on my head.

"It used to be."

"Are there any embarrassing photos of little Isabella lying around?"

"Probably. But you won't find them." I turn around and kiss him.

"You are trying to distract me from looking for them, aren't you?"

"Maybe." I kiss him again. "Is it working?"

"Yes. But we should probably get ready for the party, don't you think?"

"You are right. My parents won't forgive us if we miss their overly dramatic opening speech."

"There's a speech?" He frowns.

"Oh yeah. They take this very seriously. It's their posh image that's at stake. This might look like a party, but this is where a lot of businesses deals are made, believe it or not."

I open the box with the dress my mother gave me. It's a beautiful gown. Gold satin, long sleeves, and turtleneck, open back that also partially shows the ribcage area.

She might be a crappy mother most of the time, but her sense of style never lets me down. My hair is in a sleeked back hairstyle and my makeup is soft. I glance at myself in the full-length mirror inside my closet.

I look like a golden statuette. Stand there and look pretty... Peter's words echo in my head. Well, I might be good at doing that, but I'm also so much more.

I see Connor's reflection in the mirror. He's standing right behind, glancing at me, still with his bow tie undone. How can someone be this good looking just standing there looking disoriented? Not fair!

He gulps as I reach for the tie. "You look a little pale. Are you feeling all right?" I grin and he swallows again.

"You look beautiful."

Having Connor say I'm beautiful feels a lot different. It's genuine. And I know that for him am not an object. Am not just a pretty thing to collect.

I flush and smile. "Thank you."

Connor places his hands on my naked back. His touch makes me shiver. He slides his fingers on my bare skin up and down as I finish tying the bow.

I take a deep breath. "Ready to go downstairs and face the beasts?"

He shakes his head. "Can't we just stay here, and I can stare at you all night?"

"That sounds really tempting."

Connor pulls me closer and kisses me tenderly.

"Not fair. You can't use these tricks to make me stay here." I smile against his lips.

"I thought it was working."

"It is. But what about we just make a weak appearance and then we can come back here, and you can stare at me for as long as you want?"

"Just stare?"

"Isn't that what you said you wanted?"

"Well..." His ears turn red.

I grab his waist and pull him closer. One hand on the rim of his pants and the others on his jaw as I kiss and bite his neck. "Let's make our mandatory appearance and then I'll think about it." I whisper by his ear.

"Fine," he sighs. He gives me one of his most charming smiles and grabs my hand. "Let's go."

"Oh! So now you are in a hurry to go downstairs?" I chuckle.

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