Chapter 37

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"We are decorating the Magnolia tonight," Carla announces as she arrives with Miranda caring boxes filled with decorations.

"Why is there always something going on around here?" I grumble. "It seems like we just took down the Halloween decorations."

"We can't let Christmas go by without doing anything," Maia says as she stops by for her morning coffee.

"Can you stay tonight to help us?" Carla asks.

"Yes, I can. I'll ask Haylee to come too."

"Your brother can help as well," Miranda suggests.

"I'll tell him to stop by."

"Maybe we should ask Ren to help us as well," Rita says as she winks at me.

"That might not be a bad idea. I can ask him to bring more flowers."

Connor and Jorge walk in caring a Christmas tree. "Good morning," Jorge says. "Where should we put this?"

"What about that corner by the window?" Rita points.

They place the tree on the floor and Connor walks towards me.

"Morning." He gives me a quick kiss.

"Connor!" I can feel everyone's eyes on us.

"What?" He smirks.

I turn my back on the rest of the group and I hide my face against Connor's chest, and he wraps one arm around my shoulders.

"I just have one thing to say." Rita makes a dramatic pause and takes a deep breath. "Finally." Everyone laughs.

"Hon, you two can't deceive anyone. Everyone knows that this," she points at us, "has been going on for a while."

"We were just waiting for you two to have the courage to confess," Maia adds.

"Okay... Good to know that were that only one's that didn't know what was going on." They cackle.

"Come on, we have to open the door and Jorge and Miranda have to go to work and Maia to school. We'll leave the talk for later," Connor says, red from head to toe.

We close the door, and the party starts. Maia and Haylee arrived right after their classes ended. Miranda arrived shortly after with the kids. Jorge left Hope at his mum's and then came here. Ren and Nico are the only ones missing. Christmas songs playing on the background, there's already mistletoe by the door, Christmas lights on the windows, ornaments on the tree and somehow there's fake snow everywhere. It will be a hassle to vacuum this place.

Nico walks in and looks puzzled at the mess right in front of him. "I see the party has started without me."

"Wrong, hon. It hasn't even begun. Come on, don't stand there by the door."

The door opens behind him and Ren walks in carrying the flowers. I asked him. They stare at each other for a couple of seconds with silly smiles on their faces.

"Kiss!" Maia screams.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Mistletoe," Haylee explains. "Whoever is standing there as to kiss."

Ren looks frightened, Nico confused, and everyone else is looking at them enthusiastically and I am worried... Thankfully, Nico quickly realizes how uncomfortable Ren is and he gives in a kiss on the cheek. Everyone laughs and cheers. Ren looks relieved and Nico helps him carry the flowers to the counter.

We are almost done with the decorations. Carla is in the kitchen preparing a late-night snack for everyone and I'm looking for my brother and my friend. They vanished shortly after the tree was lit. I hope I don't find them in an awkward situation.

The door of the staff room is open, and I hear voices coming from the inside.

"You are leaving soon Nicholas."

"Can't we just have fun while I'm here?"

"Call me a romantic or old-fashioned, but I can't. I'm sorry."

"I understand. Don't worry about it. I still want to spend some time with you. Is that okay?"

"Of course." They hug tenderly. Ren sits back in his chair and Nico opens the door. He glances at me, sadly smiles, and goes to join the others.

"You okay Ren?" I sit in front of him.

"Yeah. Sorry, I didn't see you there."

"Well, if you need anything, just say."

"Do you think..."


"Do you think that there's even a chance that Nicholas will ever stay put in one place?"

"Let me be honest with you. I don't know. I hope he does, someday. I'd really love to have him closer, but I don't know." Ren sadly smiles and nods. "But truth be told, I don't even think that's truly the problem with Nico."

"Then what is?"

"You can be away and still fell connected with your family and friends. You don't need to be around your loved ones every day, but you do need to make an effort to keep those bonds."

"And Nicholas doesn't want to make an effort."

"I think he wants to. I just think he can't. Or doesn't know exactly how. Nico and I have always been polar opposites. But we have this much in common. We tend to run away from those we care about. I guess we are afraid of hurting others and getting hurt ourselves."

"And where does that leave everyone else?"

"Good question." I sigh. "I wish I had a better answer for you. Sadly, this is the best I can do. I just know he doesn't want to hurt you, even if it feels like it right now."

"So, I should just give up?"

"I can't make that choice for you. But he'll stay at least until the end of the month, so maybe don't rush your decision."

Ren nods. "On a lighter note, I see that you and Connor have finally come to your senses."

I smile. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Everything has been a bit hectic lately. The project at Rita's house and work and Connor.... We haven't talked enough in the last few weeks."

"Don't worry. I still consider you as a friend. But next time something important happens, like a proposal or a baby, and you don't tell me, I won't forgive you."

I cackle. "Too soon for either of those things. I'm not even sure if I want them."

"Do not neglect our friendship again or I'll send dead flowers to your house. I know where you leave." He grins.

"Got it. Remind me to never be on your bad side." We laugh.

"You'll never be on by bad side. Thanks to you, at least one of my problems is solved. Things at the store are better than ever. And it hasn't been that bad working there. The kids' class has been very good for me. My students are amazing."

"I'm very happy to hear that, Ren."

"But," he frowns, "now that I think about it, you are actually the cause of my other problem." He smiles sadly. "He wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. And couldn't you have given me a heads up about your brother being bi and hot?"

I chuckle. "I'm sorry. I could say that next time I'll warn you, but he's the only sibling I have."

"How about a cousin that looks exactly like him but without the commitment issues?"

I shake my head. "Sadly, no." We laugh. "Come on. Let's go. Carla is cooking some food, and it smells deliciously and I'm hungry."

"You've probably have been doing a lot of exercise lately. That's why you are hungry and in such a good mood."

"Screw you."

"I wished I was being screwed."

We chuckle and hug each other before leaving the room and joining the others.

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