Chapter 11

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Fuck! I'm late. How come I didn't hear the alarm? I get up in a second, rush to the shower, run into the closet, put on the first things I can find, and leave the apartment.

"Sorry! I know I'm late again. I promise I'm not usually like this. I promise that next time—"

Connor has a baby in his arms. Why is there a baby in his arms? He looks so peaceful and caring as gazing at the child. Beside him is a woman that seems to be slightly older than him.

"Hi. You must be Isabella. I'm Rita. Connor's big sister. And that's my daughter Hope. I've heard a lot about you."

Rita and Connor have the same striking features, the same grey eyes, curly hair, and gorgeous smile. Great genes, I must say. Genetics are indeed a funny and unjust thing.

"I'm sorry, I can't say the same about you."

"Don't worry. I know how my brother is."

"I wish I knew what he told you about me."

"I'm happy to tell you."

"What are you two plotting against me?" Connor asks as he returns the baby to his sister.

"Nothing, but I'd love to do it over dinner," Rita says. "We could do it here on our day off. What do you think?"

"I would love to. I can cook."

"Great. I'll talk to my husband about it so that he can come as well, and I'll see if my mother-in-law can take care of Hope that night."

"Don't I have any saying in this?" Connor asks.

"No. Part of this business is also mine, besides you are younger than me."

I can't help but to smile at their family dynamic. It reminds of my brother and me. When we were kids.

"Carla?" Rita calls.

"Yes?" Carla opens the kitchen door puts her head through the opening.

"Can you and Miranda have dinner with us?"

"Just tell me beforehand so that we can find a babysitter for the kids."


Rita leaves with her daughter Hope, and Connor and I are once again left alone.

"I'm surprised. I didn't think you would accept my sister's invitation."

"Your sister seems like a lovely person, and if I can't get you to talk, maybe she will."

"What do you want to know, Isabella? I told you I'll answer. You don't need my sister to know anything about me."

"For starters, what's your interest in asking me so many questions?"

"I'm curious. And you seem distant, and I want to know why. You look lost, and I'd like to know where." I stay silent, looking at him. He bites his lower lip and looks at the floor. "Besides, you are my tenant, and you work at my café. I need to know if you can be trusted."

"Right. I understand." I quickly glance away. He doesn't care about me at all, he is just being cautious about the stranger he just hired. Got it.

"I don't want to cross the line. If I ask something that upsets you, you don't have to answer. Any more questions?"


"Seriously? That's all? I expected a little more from you after so much insistence."

"Is not worth it, Connor."

I turn my back to him and go into the kitchen to start my tasks. I'm confused. Connor leaves me more confused every single time we talk. He seems caring and interested in knowing more about me, but when we start to move in some direction, he pulls away. On that we sure are alike.

"A little help," I hear a voice by the door. I raise my eyes. It's Ren carrying the bouquets.

"Sorry Ren." I go to him and pick up the flowers.

I leave the magnolias on the counter and Ren accompanies me as I go to Ellie and Albert. Ellie receives us with her usual energy and sweetness. As for Albert, he isn't there today, but I leave the flowers with his grandson.

"You are awfully quiet, Izzy. What's bugging you?"

"What do you know about Connor?"

"Not much. Since he's a few years younger than me, we never hang out at school or anything. Then he came back when his mother was sick. Cancer, I think. But why do you ask?"

"Nothing. It's weird."

"Him? Yes, a bit. I guess we can describe him as a handsome huggable klutz."

"No. Not that. I'm aware of that. I mean, our dynamic is weird."

"Oh, so there is a dynamic?" He grins.

"No. It's not like that. That's exactly the problem. He's supposed to be my boss and my landlord, but clearly we don't behave like that, but we aren't quite friends either."

"For what I've seen, you two seem to be getting along pretty well."

"We are. I mean, we do get along, but sometimes it looks like he's afraid of something."

"Afraid of you? You're tiny, there's nothing to be afraid of." He smirks.

I chuckle. "Shut up."

"Maybe you're just reading too much into it."

"You are probably right. Anyway. Thank you for the flowers and the company."

"My pleasure. Let's have lunch sometime."


I walk back into the Magnolia and try to forget about my weird interactions with Connor. For the most part, we get along a lot better than I would've ever expected, but I guess that we both have some obstacles in front of us. I guess I'm not the only broken thing around here. Selfish of me to think I was.

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