Chapter 6

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Connor is walking around, talking with customers, and taking some pictures of the Magnolia and the food. It's not the first time I've seen the camera lying around. I wonder what type of pictures he takes. He looks a lot more comfortable and relaxed with a camera than with people.

As he hides behind the lens, he lets out his charming smile. He doesn't seem to get flustered or fidget, he's less shy and he just looks... different. Is that how people are when no one else is looking?

"Hon, if you are checking him out, you should at least try to be sneakier about it." I jump. Carla sneaked up behind me. How was she so silent?

"I'm not checking him out."

"You are. You can't lie to me. I can sniff lies from a mile away. I have two boys at home that break shit every day and blame it on the dog, then try to lie to me about it every single time."

"Fine." I sigh. "I was... respectfully looking."

"Just admit it. You were gawking. I could almost see the droll."

"I'm not drooling over Connor." Or am I? Suddenly I feel the urge to touch my lips and clean any signs of saliva that might be there.

I mean, I do think that Connor is extremely good looking — from an objective point of view — but I'm not the type to lust over someone I barely know, and for now, I can't even think about dating again. The scars I was left with are still too deep. I can't let myself trust someone else. I'm not ready to do that and I don't know if I'll ever be.

"I might be over men, but even I admit he's cute."

"I guess."

"Hon," she sighs. "Don't be so complicated. It will just make your life harder."

"I'm not being complicated. Yes, I admit I was gawking, but I have my reasons."

"Which are?" She raises an eyebrow.

"There's something about him."


I nod. "Something."

"Something as in charming or something as in weird?"

"Both. I think."

"You think?" She raises an eyebrow again.

"He's good looking, but I wouldn't necessarily call him charming. He seems to get flustered way too easily."

Carla laughs. "Yeah. You got that right. Connor is a shy introvert at heart, but he tries his best. Despite his initial awkwardness, he's very well liked around here and likes to help others. I worry that sometimes he's too nice actually, and that people will walk over him."

"Well, I can't argue with that. He gave me this job out of the blue and the rent I pay for the apartment is way too low."

"I know he's a grown man. Nevertheless, I can't help but to worry. It's the mother in me."

"And what's with the camera?"

Carla shrugs. "Ask him yourself."

Connor walks up to us after cleaning the table of the clients that just left.

"What are you ladies talking about?"

"New ideas for the breakfast menu," Carla says as she sneaks back into the kitchen. Again. How is she so silent? She was just standing beside me and now she's halfway to the kitchen.


"I'll try them out when I have the time and then you can taste them." Carla makes her escape, and I'm left alone with Conner.

"I'll take the dirty dishes into the kitchen," I say as I pick up what Connor placed on the counter.

"Oh, it's a lot. Let me help you." As Connor picks up part of the dishes, his hand brushes a glass that starts rolling on the counter. It falls on the floor and chatters into tiny pieces.

"Don't let Connor pick up the broken glass," Carla yells from the kitchen.


"Don't mind her." He squats down and starts to pick up the bigger pieces of the glass. "Ouch."

"See? I told you not to let him do it." Carla appears with a dustpan and a brush. "Don't let him near anything breakable, pointy or sharp."

"Let me," I tell Carla as I grab the cleaning tools. I squat down in front of Connor and clean up the shards. I quickly glance at his hand and see multiple small band aids.

He shrugs. "It happens a lot."

"I can see that." I chuckle. "Now, I understand what Carla was saying."

"I'm getting better. Last week there were no incidents."

We laugh.

"Well, from now on, since I'm here, I suggest you take the orders and I'll pick up the plates."

"Deal." He chuckles.

We quickly finish up cleaning the floor and Connor gets another band aid added to his collection.

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