Chapter 33~

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After Julia left, I called her several times for weeks after that, but she never answered any of my damn calls. I was beginning to get worried, but I couldn't stress too much on it since I had to focus solely on getting better.

I was told last night that I had one more week of physical therapy before I could leave, and you don't understand the happiness that filled my body. I was so ecstatic to be able to finally leave this damn place and search for Julian's killer... if Fisher didn't already.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Kylo entering the hospital room, he smiled at me, and I blushed. Recently things between me and Kylo have been very... loving and it's weird. I'm not used to him being all snuggly with me. He hasn't left my side since we both confessed to each other a couple of weeks ago. I have been trying to get used to him being by my side, but it gets weird when he tells me he loves me every five seconds. When looking at Kylo, he doesn't look the type to be super loving, and constantly wanting attention, so when he began being overly affectionate towards me... I was uncomfortable and I pushed him away, a lot. I love him, yes, but the thought of him loving me back makes it so surreal.

Never in a million years did I think Kylo could ever love me back, I mean I understand that it's a good thing that he does, but... I don't know. It's weird. No matter how much I try to get used to it, I just can't. And that's why I'm going to talk to him today about his clinginess. I need time to get used to/take in the fact that he loves me back.

Kylo sat down on my bed next to me and kissed me on the forehead. I smiled and giggled softly. He's changing me... I quickly cleared my throat, and I moved my legs to sit criss cross in front of him.

"We need to talk." I spoke strongly and he looked worried.

"Is something wrong...? Did I do something?" He scooted closer to me, and I sighed softly.

"Not necessarily... well... maybe, yes. I just wanted to tell you that... uhhh." I don't think I can do this. I feel like shit. I feel so damn bad to tell him that he needs to lay off on the affection. I'm not used to it, growing up getting love and praise from my parents was next to none, so hearing it constantly from his mouth is so damn weird, and feeling it was even more weird. He's constantly trying to hug and touch me, but I am not used to it, at all, so every single time he tries, I run away... and that makes me feel even more like a douche. So, if he could lay off for a while, that would be nice.

"Spit it out princess. It's okay." He put his hand on my thigh and I huffed before ranting about his overwhelming affectionate self.

"I feel like ever since we confessed to each other, you have been up my ass twenty-four-seven and I am not fully complaining, because it's nice to know someone cares, but it's becoming way too much Kylo. I am not used to this kind of affection, and you know that. Shit, you know I barely got an "I love you" from my fucking parents. What I'm saying is that... I want you to lay off for a bit. Let me process, heal, and get my bestie back." I didn't breathe during that whole entire rant, so I'm on the verge of death right now.

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