Chapter 11~

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I woke up the next morning feeling slightly better than the day before. That awkward talk on the phone last night with Kylo helped me a bit, and him forcing me to eat.

"Speaking of eating I should do that soon." I groaned before rolling out of bed onto the floor. I'm dramatic. I know. I throw my blanket off of me and I slump to my bathroom to pee before making breakfast. I get to my toilet and I pull my panties down, but what met me in my underwear would make any girl cry. I'm on my period.

"Fuck my life!" I just want to sit in bed and eat ice cream and just cry all day.

That would explain a lot though. I've been crying a bit too much, I've just felt like absolute shit, and my stomach has been hurting like hell. How did I not notice? God I'm such a fucking idiot. I sigh and I grab a pad from out under the sink. I know what you are thinking, "isn't she a bit too old to be using pads?" Yes. Yes I am, but do I care? No. Tampons scare me and I prefer pads, especially the underwear with the pad built in to it!

"I still need to eat." I sighed, again, and I made my way to the kitchen.

"Damn there's like nothing in here..." I muttered underneath my breath, "Maybe I'll eat out?" I contemplated on weather or not I should go out and eat, but I guess some fresh air would do me some good. So I walked back towards my room and I made my way to the closet.

I picked out a simple, but cute outfit for today. A black pull over, beige baggy pants, and my favorite pair of Nikes. I walk over to my shower and I get immediate flashbacks to that night when Kylo heard me masturbating in the shower. I shiver and I move on.

I take off my clothes and I wait for the water to get warm before I hop into the shower. I wait for a couple of minutes and just like I thought, the water was warm enough for me to hop in and scrub my body till the end of time.

I get out of the shower feeling refreshed and clean, so I put on my outfit of the day before I brushed my teeth and did my hair. I feel so pretty that I did a little spin the in mirror before walking out my door with keys in hand.

As I'm walking down the hallway I happened to see someone in the corner of the hall, up against someone else. I sneak up to them and what I saw would shock me for life. Kylo's best friend was kissing on the new kid. What the fuck is going on recently! Is everyone fruity around me? I sighed and I smacked my head. Apparently that caught their attention because they immediately threw each other away from the other and coughed. Dumbasses.

"Carlos? Leon?" I put my hand on my hip like a very disappointed mother. They both pouted and Carlos cleared his throat.

"I- ugh. It's not what it looks like." He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously.

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