Chapter 27~

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"What the fuck are you talking about!? What happened to doing this thing safe! I found a safe way in. Why can't I do it?" I was seething. Fisher decided that he was going to wake up and be a bitch today and tell me we couldn't do the mission anymore. What a fucking prick! I glared at him, waiting for his answer. He sighed and rubbed his temples; good I should be giving you a headache, you bitch.

"Clara. We're stepping in dangerous grounds and I cannot afford to have another war so soon." He looked bored with this conversation and that only pissed me off even more.

"You seemed A-okay with it not that long ago!" I slammed my hands on the table and I could see that same fear in his eyes.

"Look there's nothing I can do Clara... I'm sorry." I growled and stormed out of the room.

That lying bastard! I should cut his head off and leave it on a spike!

I walked into my room and I slammed the door. Kylo, which I didn't even know he was in here, looked at me with concern and confusion written on his face.

"What's wrong princess?" He got up and walked towards me and as soon as those words left his lips I just let the tears fall. He held me close, his hand on the back of my head, pressed into his chest.

I just cried... and cried... and cried. Okay I'm so sick of this crying bull shit. This is all I've been doing since I got sick again and I can't take it anymore.

I pushed myself away from Kylo, wiped my eyes dry, and I walked into my bathroom. I splashed my face with water and I looked at myself in the mirror. God I look like a mess. I sighed and placed my hands on the edge of the counter, looking up at myself, wondering how I got myself in this situation in the first place.

"Princess..." Kylo stood outside of the door, not wanting to interrupt my obvious private moment.

"You can come in Kylo..." I sounded so defeated. I like him... I love Kylo. What the fuck.

He's the only one who's been there for you, dumbass. Of course you love him. My thoughts ran over my mind and she's right. I'm right.

Kylo walked in behind me and pulled me into a hug, his stomach was on the middle part of my back and his dick was rested on my ass.

"You okay princess...?" He looked at me in the mirror and I did the same.

"...Kylo I think I-." I was cut off from telling him my feelings by Julian running into the room, again. Why does he have a habit of doing this when I'm trying to do something!

"GUYS GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER WERE UNDER ATTACK!" He ran out and me and Kylo jumped immediately into action.

"Fuck me!" I yell out as I sprint to the armory.

Me and Kylo get there in record time and we get our basic weapons, with a few new add ons since this is a very serious situation.

"I'll take the high ground you stay on the floor?" Kylo asked quickly and I nodded my head. He ran off and I did the same. All you could hear throughout the mansion grounds is fighting, guns blazing, screaming, and explosions. It's a war zone out here.

I run out of the front door and I immediately get attacked on my way out. I slam my forearm into his nose and he bends over while clutching it. I kick my leg directly into his stomach and he falls to the ground, I quickly jab my knife into a nerve in his legs so he wouldn't be able to move them without extensive surgery.

"Fucking bitch." I spat out at him before continuing my journey. I made it to the center and I immediately got surrounded by three people. I smirked and I let Ezra out to play. She'll take them down for me.

"Oh boys... let's play nice hmm?" Ezra smiled before throwing one of her stars into the farthest guy on the left's eye, he bent over and clutched his face while screaming and the other two looked... scared.

Good they should be.

I quickly wrap up my hair into a tight ponytail and I get into my fighting stance; they seem to take that opportunity and run with it because they ran towards me yelling like the caveman they are.

Our bodies hit each other in the most gruesome ways. My fist connects with his nose at the sound of a crunch he yelled out in pain, the other one behind me tried to grab me but he was unsuccessful when I turned around and slammed my arm into his throat, cutting off his air flow. He choked and I kicked his stomach with the heel of my foot, taking him to the ground. I stabbed both of them in their sides and I ran off to help others.

When I got to the others it felt like I was going to be fighting for the rest of my life and honestly... I might. You don't know what would happen when you're going up against people who want your blood. You can't be too sure you'll come out alive and that's always what I think about. Before I never really had a reason to live, but recently... I have. I have the opportunity to escape from my parents built hell and I have Kylo... I don't want him to be sad about my death and I definitely don't want him to die. I don't think I could handle it...

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the click of a grenade.

"GET DOWNNNN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and everyone dropped to the ground. The explosion went off and luckily only a few who didn't hear me clear enough were injured.

I stood back up and for some reason... something felt... off. I didn't know what it was, but I guess I got my answer when I turned around and came face to face with a gun.

The man lowered it too fast for me to react and the only sound that resonated through the air, besides fighting and screaming; was the gun shot wounding my stomach, causing me to kick the gun out of his hands and shoot him with my own, between the eyes. But also for me to hit the ground and watch everything turn dark in front of me.

The last thing I heard was the yelling of my name through every other noise.


I'm so unbelievably sorry for one, this chapter being so short. And for two, taking too long to post.

Miss thang has been going through it and you have to give her a break😭

But anyway don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share to your friends if you'd like!!!😘

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