Chapter 31~

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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


After I woke up it was like everything was hazy, especially after hearing the news of Julian... I was absolutely furious with myself at first, but I realized that it would've happened whether or not I was there. That's the risk he knew of from the very beginning and even though it was a risk he took, I'm still going to end the life of the one who took him from us.

I didn't know him very long, but you can tell he was an amazing person who cared about others. He hated killing and being in this lifestyle just as much as me and... I just- I wish I could see him one more time and finally see that damn smile he's been hiding. Such a sweet and innocent boy.

One thing I was most definitely shocked to hear was that he and Fisher must've been in a secret relationship, which I didn't expect at all since Fisher flirted with me since the very beginning. It certainly was very confusing to hear for me. But I didn't think much of it since Kylo said that Fisher looked completely out of it.

But enough of that. I've been healing as good as someone who just got out of a coma can. Of course I've been pushing myself to get stronger so I can go after Julian's killers, but I can only move so quickly at the moment.

Kylo has been up my ass. Like when I say up my ass... I mean up my damn ass. He hasn't walked away from me the moment I woke up and even thought a part of me loves that so damn much, there's the other side of me that wants to slap the fuck out of him. I've been refraining from yelling at him, but... I want to know why he's acting like this. I want to know what his damn obsession is with making sure I'm okay.

Apparently he took care of me while I was in my coma... damn. My cheeks get red and my ears flame up at the thought of him taking care of me.

"Are you okay?" The physical therapist kicks me out of my own mind and I look at her with my hand over my chest. Shit she scared me.

"I didn't mean to scare you honey. I just noticed that you zoned out." She looked like she felt so damn bad and I sighed before telling her that she was okay. She smiled and we finished the session for today.

"I think you'll be able to get back onto your feet and be completely healed by the end of this month! You're doing wonderful!" She grinned widely and I smiled softly back.

"I'm glad. I want- no I need to get out of here." I laugh and she giggles along with me.

"Understandable honey. It's draining in this place." She sighed and I sighed along with her. She has a point.

"But enough of that. Let's get back to your room, hmm?" I nodded my head and she pushed the wheelchair to the elevator and down to the third floor.

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