44- Sam

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I didn't run.
I could have, because I knew exactly where to go, exactly what path he had gone down, but I didn't run. There was no need to waste my energy on chasing after him. Better to save every drop of strength. Because there was no way he was getting away. Not with her in his hand. And once I caught up...

I walked steadily after the two of them, my hands shaking. If Mike was protesting I didn't hear it. Was he following me? There were no feet crushing leaves aside from my own. Better, hopefully he was focusing on taking care of Aspen. Cause if he got involved again, I wouldn't be able to resist shutting him up with a fist to the face.
Maybe Mike knew this was the only thing left to do... maybe he still didn't want to accept it, I don't know. Some tiny shred of sympathy made me feel bad for the guy. But even if he tried to stop me, it wouldn't matter.
I focused my eyes on the path ahead. Then realised there was somebody other than me walking it.

My stomach lurched at the sight, like I was dropping down a rollercoaster, tripping off the edge of a cliff. Despite my effort to conserve energy, my feet moved on their own when I caught a glimpse of dark hair up ahead. I wanted every last scrap of strength saved up so I could do what I had never been able to do with Edward— fight. Fight back against somebody I hated. Get his fucking hands away from her.

Things became clearer as I got closer to Sam and Azure, closing the distance with each step. He had her vest pinched between his fingers and his arm raised high. The girl must have been in pain from her stretching clothes and how they dug into the soft skin under her arms, but he paid it no mind. He was hanging her trembling body directly in front of his face, purring to her. Saying something I was still a few steps too far away to hear.
And she was shaking her head at his every word. Sobbing, pleading with him.

I hadn't mean to do that. Surprising him would have been better, but that look on her face... The yell escaped like a bursting firework.
Azure's eyes snapped to me, tears tinted orange in the low sun. The girl would never be able to smile in her predicament, but that face she made when she saw me— like she wanted to smile but couldn't, like she wanted to feel relief but wouldn't dare believe she could. Her wings flittered weakly on her back.
He turned not a moment after my cry. Easy, not unsettled in the slightest by my yell. I don't know what I expected to see on that face when he saw me, but a smile certainly was not it. But that's what he did. The bastard turned, took one look at me, and smiled. If my stomach had lurched before, it must have folded when I saw that face. Sam. My every nerve seemed to hiss his name, let it shudder through my bare knuckles, let the monstrosity sink in.

"Look who it is." Sam taunted. That one, single sentence told me he knew exactly why I was here. It was in the subtle snideness. He knew who I was here for, and the fingers folded around her in response.
A soft voice breezed through her hair when he tilted Azure towards him, "It's your human friend."
She turned her face away, whimpering.
"Leave her alone!" I yelled.

My order was obeyed without protest. She was released and dropped into his open hand, and the guy stopped walking. For a moment, I wanted to stop too. This was... this was close enough. But I didn't stop. I forced myself to stalk closer, closer until there was a small enough distance for me to see the dried tear-streaks under Azure's eyes. Sam watched me approach with a calmness to his face. I couldn't help but grit my teeth at that punchable smile.
"So. What's up, kid?" He questioned innocently, knowing very well what the fuck was up. Fingers flexed around her, a little tease, just to let me see her whine again, "Any reason you're following me?"
The girl curled her arms over her head and cowered from the looming fingers.
I snarled at the hateful bastard, "Let her go." If only he would obey this order as he had the last one.

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