32- Dilema

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The sun set before any of us were ready. Things seemed to have escalated in a blink of an eye; there was so much in everyone's minds now, new problems to worry about and threats seeming to lurk. No matter how much we now had to get done, we couldn't stop time. The day went drooping down past the line of the horizon and took its light with it.
For a while, a glow remained over the forest as if lingering, unable to leave yet. The sky was alight with that pastel orange that reminded me of the trees at the end of autumn. Shadows grew longer and the air chilled until sun eventually succumbed. Exhaustion barged in, unwanted and unannounced like a storm in the middle of summer. The afternoon was overthought. Everyone was exhausted from the toil of the day. Off they had gone, one by one my friends and the other civilians of the tribe. Lucius sat down opposite Mike and remained there for the rest of the night. I think the boy fell asleep with a glare.

I wasn't ready for sleep.
Well, I supposed. It's not their fault that you can't fall asleep. So I found myself outside whilst everyone else dozed.

I sat quietly, wordless. Just listening. The sound of the wind; something that might have made my skin ride with goosebumps had I not been so generously wrapped in the furs given by the tribe. The tribe. I could tell from the sound of emptiness that they were all asleep. Invisible to any prying eyes, the Hawthorn tribe lay embedded in the rocks. The bustling pathways had settled, now laying empty with a rigidness equal to the stone. Everyone was deep in their dreams, it seemed, even Wren. Everyone aside from me.

My eyes had adjusted well to the darkness by now, and to the figures around me. I could hear soft breaths, the type you get when you hear someone sleeping. Calm, peaceful... that was the thing about being awake when nobody else was. Their was a certain... feel to it. A tranquility.

Behind me, Lucius hummed gently. I knew that he was still leant against the tree, wrapped in whatever scarce covers we could provide for his gigantic body... but for once, he seemed to be deep in sleep. I wondered if the poison had resulted in any lasting effects... probably not though. It would have worn off by now. He was probably just tired like the rest of us.

I couldn't help but smile. Rosin had been forced to sleep in her own room by Aspen's relentless nagging. He however had remained outside, refusing to leave Lucius all on his own with Mike. Now, my dear Aspen was huddled up in his hand, his eyes shut just as tight as the human's. Sleeping so contently in Lucius' giant hand...
A warm look grew on my face. Aspen had really forgotten his fear of Lucius. No longer did he tense with every word uttered or snarl at his breathing... he was sleeping in the warmth of his hand with all the trust in the world. You should be sleeping too.

I told the voice on my head to be quiet. How could I possibly sleep? My eyes remained firmly planted on the floor.



I jumped out of my skin when I heard the voice come from the darkness, then jerked round to the find the source.

A small shape was down on the floor. A figure. They were mostly obscured by the darkness from the night, but their white hair stood out even without the sun. I let out the breath I had been holding, "You made me jump."
Lyn shifted from one foot to the other. They were bare on the leaves, probably cold. The nightdress she had been given to wear didn't quite reach her feet.
"Lyn?" I sighed, "What are you doing awake?"
The little girl knotted her hands together, "I can't sleep..."
Rubbing my eyes, I sighed again. The sun had been down for hours. It must have been about midnight by now, so what on earth was she still doing awake at this time? I could barely see her from my position in Lucius' hand, but it looked a bit like she was shivering in the outside air. Dressed like she was, that was hardly surprising.
"Do you want me to come down?" I murmured to her. I had to be careful with my voice; Aspen needed his sleep.
The girl nodded, but hesitantly, as if she felt guilty about it.

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