11- Run Away

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Everything was swirling. My head throbbed from where Edward had pounded his trainer into my temple. I could barely see the shapes move in front of me.
The voice was familiar. I struggled to my knees on the verge of a breakdown and clasped at Avery's clothes, trying to use him as a grip to pull myself up. They can't take her. No, no god don't let them take her! My knees dragged across the floor. If I couldn't stand, I'd crawl after her— I'd scream and grab at their legs— they couldn't take her!
"Just stop," he was saying, "Calm down." Calm down. It was then that I remembered his words. Oh, everything he said came flooding back to me in violent surges. How he had held her in that purple pot and trapped her and handed her over her to her kidnappers. How he had told Edward about her, how he had allowed him to steal her! Avery was letting them take her. Avery was the reason she had been found in the first place! Fucking Avery!

I flew for him through slitted eyes, my punch missing by miles.
"You bastard!" I choked out, "How could you? How could you?!"
He dropped to his knees, "Please-"
"Get away from me!" I would have screamed if I could, "You had her in your hands! You were holding her! You had her in your hands and you let them take her! Lyn-" a sob squeezed my throat. Oh god. Oh no please, please no. She was gone. They had her, my Lyn, my tiny friend I would have protected with my life. And the last thing I had ever done was argue with her. Oh- I collapsed into the floor and released a haggard moan. Lyn.

"Lucius!" Avery gasped when I went down. Hands tugged at my clothes, willing me to sit up, to stand. But I couldn't stand. I didn't want to stand. She was gone. I wanted to lay here forever, crying and sinking into the floor. How would I ever get her back? I wouldn't. I wouldn't, I wouldn't, she was gone— lost. I clutched my hair with both of my hands. I wanted to scream. Lyn was lost. No, no no no no Lyn.
Hands yanked my face up from the floor by my hair. I barely felt the pain. I hardly saw Avery's dismayed face.
"Lucius." He pleaded.
I just shut my eyes. I easily could have reached out and given him a punch. Broken his nose. My head wasn't spinning anymore so I could manage it, oh I could make his face spurt hot red blood and ruin his unstained blue jumper. What was the point though? She was gone, gone.
I heard his gentle murmurs, "Would you just look?" My eyes opened a little, but not because he was asking me to. I needed to let my tears out. They were burning and throbbing behind my eyelids. Avery thrust his other hand into my face the second he saw my eyes open.

I tried to look away and found I didn't have the strength. My gaze sunk down slowly, reluctantly, like I was in a dream. Nothing felt real. Noting felt there. Was she really gone? Gone, taken— kidnapped? I didn't see the point in looking at anything if that was true. There was no reason to blink or look or breathe or anything if Lyn was gone. But my unblinking, motionless eyes weren't shut, so I was forced to see.
I was forced to look into his hand that was right under my nose.
Cupped in Avery's hand was an unbelievable sight. Two big, wide eyes staring up at me.

The boy felt my rigidity and released his grip on my hair. I didn't fall back to the floor. Black strands of hair fell across my face which I immediately swept backwards. I sat up and wiped the tears off my face. With every breath, every beat of my heart, I was looking down at his hands. At her. Waiting for my eyes to un-mist and for her to disappear.

"Oh god." I moaned. Some other guttural sound came from my throat before I could move. Then I was reaching to her, scooping her into my two hands, pushing a finger to her chest to feel her heartbeat, her warmth, to know she was really there. "Oh my god, I'm gonna be sick."

The tiny girl clung to my fingers with such ferocity that I could feel the bite of her microscopic nails. That pain made it real and it was like a firework went off in my heart.
"Lyn!" I rasped. My shoulders were shaking so much I couldn't hold her steady. Such vehement emotion throbbed through me at feeling the weight in my palm again. I held my hands to my chest and released the tears. Was this real or had I passed out? When I brought my trembling hands back to my face she was still there, still clinging to me and crying. Still there.
"I was so scared!" She choked out. The sound was so frail, so broken. Tiny tears rolled down her face, dripping into my hand like rain. "You left me!"
I flinched violently at that. Not once had I spoken to her since our fight. Of course she would have thought that I left the school, she knew more than anyone how much I hated it here.
"Lucius!" Lyn grabbed at my fingers, trembling against me like a frightened child. I drew my hand closer with a detachment between my arm and my mind.
Terrified sobs were heaving from her chest, "Edward- he came and I tried to run an-" but she couldn't even finish. She just broke into a fit of tears, right there in my hand.
And all of a sudden, I realised that was exactly what she was. A frightened child. Just a little girl scared to death, regardless of how big or small she was.
"I'm sorry..." I held my hands to my face. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'd almost let them steal her away. With my stupidness, I'd almost let Faelyn be taken forever. God knows what they would have done with her.

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