7- Hope

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Edward was saying something above me, talking to somebody. I wasn't listening. All I could hear was the ringing of my own ears, my pulse throbbing. My breathing was uneven and empty too, quick just like my heartbeat. There was still an enormous finger rammed against my mouth, barely leaving me enough space to breath. A few centimetres higher and Edward would be pressing the tip of his finger down on my nose too. Then, I would be suffocating.

My hands shook against my chest. Would he even know? Probably not. By the time the boy took me out of his pocket, I could already be dead, just because of his carelessness. I felt an overwhelming urge to cry again. That's how easy it is for him to kill you. A mistake, a slip of the hand. Not that he actually cared.
All I knew was that Edward wasn't walking anymore. Why that was, I wasn't sure that I wanted to find out... then his hand moved without warning.

Before I could even process what he was doing, the human had wrapped his fingers all around me and tugged me upwards, out of the red walls.

The welcome embrace of fresh air washed over me. I gasped in breaths and blinked in the blinding lights, forgetting my predicament for just a second. It felt so good to be able to breathe again. Wait- I was out of the insufferably tight pocket. After a moment, the relief of no longer having claustrophobic fears vanished, replaced with a gut-wrenching terror once more. This boy is kidnapping me. But as I shot my eyes up to face the monstrous person, it wasn't Edward that I saw. Another human, a boy too, but with long, light hair and big caramel eyes.

I gave a start when I realised who I was facing.
"Avery?" I emitted accidentally. The boy and I stared at each other, eyes locking. Edward was still holding me, but Avery was now here too. My surprise quickly wore off. I quickly realised where we were. The three of us were stood in the hallway by the stairs, still just outside of the door to the clutter-room.

Looking over my shoulder, I opened my mouth in a scream, "LUC-"
My breath was suddenly crushed out of me by two thick surfaces pressing down and only a shallow wheeze left my chest. I doubled over the crushing fingers, hands grabbing at nothing. Ow- ow... I didn't dare look up at the boy who had just silenced me. All I could do was glance at Avery, who was still getting over his apparent shock at seeing me again.
"Would you be quiet?" Edward snapped. Stomach dropping, I realised in an instant that he was talking to me. I raised my head to peek at him. Like I had been dreading, his eyes were fixated on me, uncaring and sharp. Without even wanting to, I pressed my lips together. You're letting him order you around? I knew it was true, but the action wasn't voluntary. There was absolutely no way that I was disobeying a person that could crush me between his fingers before I could even scream.

With a fresh sigh, the boy sharply rolled his giant fingers, "She keeps doing that."
I cringed in an utter revulsion of the surfaces sliding around on my stomach. The human turned me between his fingers for a minute, looking at me with that twisted little smile. He glanced at Avery, who was deathly silent.
"Screaming, I mean," Edward added after a moment of his silence. Panting, I too turned to the human boy. Avery was pale.
"I..." he glanced at me, "I think that she's scared of you, Edward." Was all he managed with a tight jaw.
He's upset, I realised breathlessly. Maybe he had told Edward about me, but surely he hadn't meant for this to happen! Hope swelled in my chest.

"Avery," I blurted out in more of a whine than actual words, "Hel-help me."
Edward peered down at me as I turned between the two of them. I dared to look at him too, before instantly regretting it. He was smiling at the sound of my voice.
Again, I uttered a quiet plead to Avery, my only hope at freedom. I could see it in his face, he understood how terrified I was of Edward, that I wasn't letting him hold me like I let Lucius. All I could do was wait for him to do something.

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