9- Edward

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One foot after the other, I thundered up the stairs. Avery's panicked calling behind me was irrelevant. The way my hands had begun to tremble didn't matter. There was one place that I was going, and nothing in the entire damned school could make me stop until I got there.

Edward. My snarl deepened just thinking of the weasel. Unsaid curses tingled in my throat, demanding to be heard. It had only taken a moment for Avery to admit everything to me— every deplorable betrayal. How when Edward had asked what was going on, he had told him about everything. Everything. About Lyn, what she looked like. How he had heard me fighting with her next to the bookshelf.
It had taken me even less time to shove the traitorous boy against that bookshelf and throw open the study door. He'd done nothing when he found out that Edward had snatched Lyn from her den. Nothing to help her, when it was his dammed mouth that had got her found in the first place!

Now, I was on my way to see a particular blonde-haired prat. And my fists were aching for confrontation. Edward just loved fighting me, didn't he? Loved trying to get me to punch back so he could go crying to his mum and get me in trouble. He wanted to get me expelled, that was his goal. Well then. Whether I got expelled for this or not didn't matter— I was going to give that boy the fight of his fucking life.
"Lucius, stop for a second!" Avery stumbled through the doorway as I reached the top of the stairs. I could hear the dismay in his voice, but I didn't even turn around.
"Fuck off!" I spat, eyes fixated straight ahead. Whether he would or not was none of my concern.

I could already see Edward in my mind as I stared at the door ahead. His loathsome smile, fists that were painfully stronger than mine.

Just as I was about to throw open the door, the handle turned and somebody stepped out. My limbs seized with emotion. I only just stopped myself from diving forwards and grabbing them, realising that I hadn't even checked to see who it was. And to my surprise, it was the Lady that had appeared, not Edward.
Despite my growing anxiety, I restrained myself from shoving past her.
The woman gave a start when she saw me fuming outside the door to her son's dormitory.
"Lucius?" She regarded my scowl with an obvious disapproval, "What on Earth is the matter?"

The Lady was a tall, and though I didn't like to admit it, very intimidating woman. The resemblance to Edward was made obvious by the blonde hair that they shared. Unlike us boys that ran around in our jumpers, she always wore 'proper' clothes. Like the white shirt and long trousers she had on today.
Of course I run into you. Knowing that she didn't actually care 'what on Earth was the matter', I tried to calm my shaking fists.
"Nothing," I glowered. Get out of the way. If that answer didn't satisfy her, I was genuinely going to shove past her. To my immense surprise, she didn't press me for further explanation.
Her irritatingly perfect voice stung my ears, "Good grief, I don't have time for you and your nonsense today." Instead of demanding I explain myself, she simply walked on past me.
"Don't you dare start any more fights." She called over her shoulder. For just a second, my fury was lost. I stared at her back. What the hell? When had she ever just taken my word for anything? Ever? There must have been something excessively important taking place for her to ignore me. But it didn't matter, not at the moment.

Nose scrunching into a snarl, I turned slowly back to where I had been heading. The door was ever so slightly open, probably because the Lady hadn't bothered to close it in her haste. Without another word, I booted the door open and stormed into the room.

The usual group was in there— five boys that snapped around with alarm to see the door slamming into the wall. Among them, Edward. My hands quivered. Before they had even stood up from where they were all sitting on a bed, I was marching forwards, probably looking as if I was possessed.

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