40- Help

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I did all I could to scowl at the human. Held my breath in some last-ditch attempt to stop myself from looking scared. It just didn't work.

He had his back against one of the trees and was quite content with watching me struggle against the fingers that had pinned me to his palm. The fear was already nearing an unbearable level, and the fact that he had strolled about the floor for a moment before settling against a tree was making it worse. Why wasn't he walking back to the camp?
"Just let me go, Sam." It came out so much quieter than I wanted. Like a whisper. I already knew why he wasn't hurrying to the campsite... because he was perfectly fine with wasting a few minutes on tormenting the girl he had caught.

There was nowhere to go as his other hand dipped down over me, a shadow cascading over my eyes. He was reaching for me. And despite the emotion that flooded into my arms, the adrenaline-strength that made me feel like I could rip bark cleanly off the trees, I couldn't move. No living thing should be this strong. It wasn't fair.
He shushed gently when I started with the protests, and gently traced his nail across my scar. The scar he had made.
Why did he keep looking at that? I had never forgotten for even a moment; the pain of it. The effortless ability to tear through my skin with his nail. It horrified me to think that he hadn't forgotten either...
He smiled to himself for a moment. "Aspen squirms a lot more than you when he's scared."
When he pushed my face to the right, I barely resisted melting into a mess of tears. Az. Aspen. My emotions had become strangers that I had no control over. I strained away from the grip only for the human to snatch my face between his fingers and force me to face him.

Water welled up in my eyes when he smeared his thumb across my scarred cheek. The skin tingled warm and fuzzy where he was agitating the mark.
"Hey, I'm only looking," the giant soothed, voice soft again, "I didn't realise I left such a mark on you. A proper little scar, hm?" There was a sound like a laugh, if a laugh could make you burst into tears. "I can't believe a scratch really did this. You're so... breakable." The human's words were so carefully spoken, so quietly threatening. Sam tilted his thumb and I almost let the tears loose— I could feel the edge of his nail pressing against my face, cold and smooth as ice.
"This was an accident, really." He remarked nonchalantly. The voice sunk lower until it was just a rumbling in my ear, "I wouldn't try to run again, Azure. Imagine what I can do when I want to hurt you."

What's that supposed to mean? I finally pried my face out of his fingers with a moan. He only sighed.
"We should go, I suppose. No use in just standing here. I think we've given her long enough."
"What do you mean?" The question came out as a stupid little gasp, "Don't go after her, don't you dare-"
He rolled his eyes, "Shush. I told you that I'm not going to follow her. I couldn't even if I wanted to, she's run off now."

I gulped. He sounded truthful enough, but then again, he was Sam.

A wave of pure relief overtook me when he finally let me out of the grip, and I pushed myself onto my knees quicker than I had ever done in my entire life. Sequential throbs were pulsating through me now; the human was walking. None of them felt as strong as my own pounding heart.
What do I do? There has to be something. I already knew that trying to escape was a horrible idea, so I made no move to try it. I was in his hand. I would have to be the stupidest girl in the world to try and fly out of it... All I could do was draw my legs close to myself and breathe. Think. For the love of gods— you can't just do nothing. Maybe I could try to inch my way to the edge of the hand, then try something. He didn't have my hair or my vest caught up in his fingers anymore...
What if he gets angry with you though? What if he finds Lyn again, she hardly knows the way back... what if he catches her? That was scary, but the entire idea of Sam actually getting angry was already enough to keep me still.

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