"I have to ask you something!"

"Well ask it later then"

"Do you care about me?"

Tanizaki blinked. Well he'll say no but look at him, making something to warm the other up.

"...Well yeah. I may hate you but I'm not a monster who would let you catch a cold"

Tachihara's heart broke. Well the other cares about him, but the I hate you is what broke him. At the same time, he wondered what else was he expecting. Obviously Tanizaki is going to hate him after that discovery. He just forced himself to smile but now after finding out, he just want to go back to his apartment and go up to his bedroom and stay there all week, maybe month.

"Thanks...but I'll go now"

"...In this rain?"

"Yeah. Bye Tanizaki. Nice meeting you"

He turned and went out of the kitchen. Tanizaki stared after him, hearing the door creak which indicate that Tachihara had went out. He heard the kettle's switch being flicked to "off" by itself. The soup is getting cold on the table. Still Tanizaki stood there, his emotions getting mixed up with each other. Finally he went to the living room, leaving the soup to get cold. Then he saw his umbrella still there, which meant that Tachihara went out without an umbrella. He knew Tachihara wouldn't bother making himself warm so he grabbed his umbrella and went out to find the other.


He ran, heart beating fast, panting, but yet his ex lover wasn't anywhere to be found. He went to the apartment first but it was empty, which meant Tachihara wasn't home obviously. He had walked all the way there so he knew he hasn't seen Tachihara on the way back. So where is he?

He paused at an alleway, his hand clutching the side of his waist. He had closed his umbrella so that he could run faster and maybe not look like a fool to society. Then he look at the dark alleyway. Perhaps he's in there?

Only one way to find out. He went in the alleway, looking. Then he saw a body sitting down against a wall. As he got closer, he could hear shallow breathing sounds and what he saw broke his heart.

Tachihara was sitting there, full of blood, bruises and what the hell happened to his arms? They look so...twisted and crooked.




He got his ex lover into a hospital and sat in the waiting room, anxious. He started to bite his thumbnail before a nurse entered the room. He immediately got up and went to the nurse.

"Excuse me but how's Tachihara?"

"Are you a relative of his?"

"Well...kind of."

The nurse just raised an eyebrow but she continued anyways.

"Tachihara has both his arm's bone broken, several broken ribs and one of his leg was twisted. It's a wonder that the leg's bone didn't get broken. And he had a great open wound at his forehead, but he's alright now"

"...Can I see him?"


Tachihara stared out of the window, almost his entire body bandaged. He heard a knock then sigh.

"The door's forever open. Just come in"

Someone entered. He didn't bother looking at the person.

"Do you need something?"

Silence greeted him. He felt someone gently placing their hand on his bandaged arms. Finally he turned and look at the person's face and got a shock. There was Tanizaki, hair still dripping due to the rain, clothes that are soaked.


The other didn't respond but just looked up. Tachihara saw that the other had tears filling up in his eyes.

"Woah...no need to cry. I'm fine now, see?"

"Stop being so brave!" Tanizaki blurted out, tears spilling down his cheeks. He can't take it anymore, he hate Tachihara for betraying his trust, for being so fucking brave in this kind of situation, but yet he also still love him.

"Hey-don't cry! I can't even wipe your tears cause my arms had been bandaged! I'm technically a mummy now! Well I'm a boy, so maybe I'm a daddy?"

Tanizaki can't help but laugh at that, even though he's crying and that statement was very weird.

"Yeah that's right. Don't cry anymore okay? Just laugh and smile like before"

"I just..."

Tanizaki laid his head on the side of the other's bed. He had missed him, he will admit. He had missed the other's weird statements that he claimed them to be "jokes", the spiky hair which surprisingly turned out to be soft when he played with it, the hugs and cuddles, the dates and how he would get upset whenever Naomi would ruin something but didn't say anything cause Tanizaki was her brother, everything. He had missed him.


Tachihara had long went to sleep. Tanizaki sighed and stayed in the exact same position, though his back is starting to hurt a lot. He stared at the other's face. It was so relaxed...and his hair was not spiky to Tanizaki's surprised. It was more of like waves instead of usual spikes, which made Tanizaki wondered if he used gel to make the spikes or was he too lazy to cut his hair. He closed his eyes, whispering a sentence.

"I love you, Michizō Tachihara"

Edit: If you saw what I typed before I edited it, no you didn't :)


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