Valentine's Day

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Is it that time of the year?
When we appreciate our
Significant other?
Oh yes so it is I feel it in the air.
Streets covered with carpets
Of rose petals,
Doves singing coupled and loved up.
Maybe I am being fanciful,
Love is in the air.

I exhausted my mind to think
Of a perfect gift just for you.
Nothing seems worthy.
So I sat myself down to write
A poem or a song,
Perhaps a letter.
I am a writer words are my second nature.
Nothing comes to mind.
How do I put it in words what you
Are to me?
You, who found me and loved all
That I am.
You, who makes everyday a brand new day.
My home, my love, my life.
I am speechless and wordless as I realize what you are to me.
It truly is that time of the year
When we appreciate our significant

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