Happy End

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Miranda stood in the large floor length mirror in her bedroom staring at herself. When she was satisfied with the way she looked she walked out and headed to the backyard.

Her dad stood there and when he heard her he turned around and gasped seeing how beautiful she looked in her wedding dress.

"Miranda you look beautiful."

"Thank you daddy," Miranda said softly.

The back doors to the home that she and Ben built opened and there he stood that the altar waiting for her. Miranda felt all her emotions bubble up and prick her eyes as she looked at her soon to be husband showing the same emotions as her. Miranda and her dad began to walk slowly down the aisle passing her family and friends.

Ben watched as Miranda made her way to him and she looked so incredibly beautiful. She was in a mermaid gown that had lace embroidery all over it. It hugged her short, curvy figure perfectly and her hair was curled and pinned up. As Miranda made her way to the front of the aisle and Ben reached for her hand, they both looked away from each other and at their nine month old daughter babbling and saying mama and dada.

Everyone awed in unison at the cuteness of their daughter before they turned their attention back to the groom and bride.

Ben held her hand as he stared into her big beautiful eyes. "Miranda everyday I'm in awe that you choose me to become your husband. I honestly never thought that I would get the chance to be genuinely in love with someone. You are the love of my life and my best friend and I will go to the ends of the earth for you baby. Thank you for marrying me."

Miranda couldn't speak because she was trying not to fall apart completely from Ben's beautiful words. She took a deep breath and Ben dabbed away her tears.

"Ben you have made me feel like the most beautiful and worthy woman in the world. You showed me love in a way that I didn't know I could have. And you are the most loving, caring, giving and handsome man that I get the pleasure of marrying....I love you."

Ben and Miranda said I do and kissed as everyone cheered. Miranda quickly grabbed their daughter from Callie before they walked down the aisle.

5 years later....

Miranda woke up laying on her back and she scrunched up her face at the sun shining brightly into her bedroom. She looked over at Ben's side of the bed and he wasn't there. She turned back over to look at the baby monitor and their son wasn't in his crib.

Miranda got up out of bed and went to the bathroom. After using the toilet she did her morning skin routine and brushed her teeth. Miranda then grabbed her purple robe before heading to the kitchen where she thought her family would be. When she walked in the kitchen she saw a plate of food and her favorite coffee mug sitting beside the coffee pot.

Miranda poured herself a cup of coffee then sat down to enjoy the breakfast her husband made. As she was eating she heard the sweet giggles of her six year old daughter. She quickly finished her food and walked out the front door.

Ben was out in the front yard pushing Marissa on the swing that he hung from the large oak tree in their front yard. He held their five month old in his other arm. Miranda sat down on one of the chairs on their big wrap around porch and just watched her daughter and husband play. Miranda always hoped and wished that she could have this and sometimes it still felt like a dream.

"Mommy," she heard Marissa yell as she jumped off the swing and ran up the steps to her.

"Good morning baby girl," Miranda said as she hugged her.

Ben smiled as he walked up the steps slowly. "Ben Warren why are you moving so slow?"

Ben plopped down beside Miranda and she took BJ out of his arms. "I think I'm getting old Miranda. This little girl is giving me a run for my money," Ben said tickling her and lifting her up.

Miranda leaned into Ben and he touched her chin and kissed her lips. A cool breeze came through making the chimes sing.

"Hmmm fall is coming," Miranda said as they watched the leaves fall from the tree.

"Yeah, my favorite time of the year."

BJ began to whimper as he rubbed his face into Miranda's breast. She pulled her gown down, pulled her boob out and inserted it into his mouth. He relaxed as he suckled with contentment.

Ben leaned over and whispered in Miranda's ear. "Can I have some later on?"

Miranda giggled, "Don't be nasty Benjamin Warren."

"That's not nasty, you're supplying me with nutrients."

Ben and Miranda watched their daughter play as they enjoyed the early fall weather. Ben wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you," Ben said.

Miranda looked up, "What are you thank me for?"

"Becoming my friend, falling in love with me, giving me everything I dreamed of having. A wife I love and adore.... beautiful children."

Tears formed in her eyes and she kissed him gently. "Mommy and daddy why are you always kissing?"

"Because we love each other baby girl," Miranda explained.

"I love you....can I have a kiss?"

Marissa walked over to her parents and they both kissed her on her cheeks together making her giggle.

"We love you little girl," Ben said lifting her up into his lap.


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