Annoy Me

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*trigger warning: mention of sexual harassment.*

The next morning Ben was pissed off about what his neighbor did and he was going to tell her about herself. He was actually really into Anissa or at least he was trying to be. Ben was 35 years old and felt that maybe he was ready to let go of his player ways and settle down. Now because of his neighbor, Anissa no longer wanted anything to do with him. Yes he was still sleeping with other women but he didn't feel for them what he felt for Anissa. He knew it wasn't right to be sleeping with other women while trying to pursue her but when he got the urge he couldn't resist.

He was going to confront his neighbor and make her help him get Anissa back. Ben didn't have to head to work until 10am and it was only 8am. So he walked over to Miranda's apartment hoping that she was still home.

Miranda stood in her kitchen preparing a small breakfast and some coffee when there was a knock on her front door. She paused feeling confused as to who would be coming to visit her this early without calling her first.

"Who is it?" Miranda swung the door open.

Miranda scowled when she saw Ben standing there. "Are you in need of something Mr....."

"Dr. Benjamin Warren, but you know my name because you hear it often," Ben said with a smirk and Miranda rolled her eyes.

He was arrogant and cocky and she didn't like that. "What do you want Benjamin?"

Ben felt his stomach tingle with her saying his name like that. But he didn't have time to seduce her into liking him, he wanted to try and get Anissa back.

"I told you my name so what is your name?"

"My name isn't important to you," Miranda uttered.

"It is because you ruined my night with the girl I'm pursuing. You made her think that I'm sleeping with other women and now she doesn't want anything to do with me," Ben shared.

"Well that's not my fault because you are in fact sleeping with other women. I know because I see them coming to your apartment. And I have the unfortunate privilege of listening to you torture them some nights. Because of you I actually look forward to my 24 hour shifts," Miranda spoke.

"24 hour shifts....are you a doctor as well?"

"Yes I am, Dr. Miranda Bailey," she said reluctantly.

"Well Miranda maybe if you knew what being with me felt like you would feel fortunate. And since you ruined what I had going with Anissa, you're going to help me get her back," Ben said.

"You are such an ass and I will do no such thing. She is smart to leave you alone because if you're sleeping with other women but claim you want her you are really confused," Miranda stated.

Ben glared at her getting irritated. He was use to women falling under his handsomeness and charm but Miranda didn't seem to care. And she was so smart mouthed and direct which he wasn't use to either.

"Okay, but if you don't help me I will find every way possible to irritate, aggravate, annoy and piss you off. ALL THE SYNONYMS!" Ben spoke.

"Well Dr. Warren do what you must because truthfully you're too late, because you already do that," Miranda replied unfazed.

Ben just sighed deeply and stared at her, "Now get out of my doorway Benjamin, I have to go to work," Miranda said calmly.

Ben felt that tingle again because of the way she said his name. He clenched his jaw and stepped back and Miranda quickly closed her door. Ben groaned because he was really going to have to annoy her and he really didn't want to. Miranda turned around slowly and went back to her breakfast so she could head off to work.

When Miranda got home that evening she hurried to her bedroom, took off her clothes and headed to her bathroom to take a shower. After she showered she moisturized her skin, put on her soft royal blue pajama short set and some socks. She was excited because she was going to watch Star Wars all night since she didn't have to work the next day.

Miranda popped some popcorn and got in the middle of her bed. She was only thirty minutes into the movie when she heard the familiar thumping of Ben's headboard. She really wished that he would be more adventurous and find another area of his apartment to have sex in so that she didn't have to hear it.

"AHHH, OHHH SHIT MIRANDA!" she heard Ben yell.

Miranda's eyes became huge saucers hearing Ben call her name. She shook herself so that she wouldn't feel any way about it.


Miranda was fuming because how dare he pretend to fantasize about having sex with her.


"THAT'S RIGHT, TALK BACK TO ME BABY," Ben yelled as he began to hit the headboard against the wall harder.

Miranda was fed up so she jumped up and hurried out of her apartment and over to Ben's. She slammed her fist against his door and he quickly opened it. Ben stood there collected as if nothing had happened.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Miranda said pointing her finger into his chest.

Ben backed up kind of amused at how fired up she was. "Showing you how fortunate you could be," Ben smirked.

"What you just did could be considered sexual harassment, IT IS SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Because I wouldn't dare go there with you and all the infections you probably carry."

"Okay, okay I'm sorry, that was unrefined of me. But I'm not that stupid, I may sleep around but I never do it unprotected. And I told you I was going to do whatever it took to annoy you and it's already working."

"Benjamin what do you expect me to say to that woman to make her come back to you? I don't even know you and what I do know about you isn't looking too appealing."

"What could be said to you that would make you go back to your man in this situation?" Ben asked.

"Absolutely nothing because when I found out that my ex was cheating, I quickly cut him off," Miranda said blankly.

"Damn, well what do you think will work for her?"

"Obviously you don't know much about her."

"I don't but it feels a little different from all the other women so I want to try," Ben expressed.

"Ugh....I guess you just have to make her see that. Maybe plan something special and share those words with her. There, I've helped you so leave me alone Benjamin."

Ben groaned, something about the way she said his name just struck him. Then when she turned around and he saw all her ass in those shorts he couldn't resist.

"Damn Miranda, you sure you don't just want one time before I go to Anissa?" Ben asked watching her walk away.

Miranda turned, "Benjamin Warren you will never get the chance to put your hands on my ass so stop looking at it," Miranda spoke before returning to her apartment.

Friend's With BenefitsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora