Maybe We Shouldn't

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Miranda woke up and stared at the window as she felt the sensation of Ben's breathe hitting her neck and his strong arms wrapped around her body. She immediately thought about what happened last night and she believed Ben. She hated that Anissa ruined their night and that she got emotional and let her ruin their night. But what happened with Anissa could happen with other women once they saw he was different.

Ben adjusted his body and held her closer. Miranda moments later felt a huge wave of nausea hit her. Her eyes widened and she quickly removed Ben's arm from around her waist and jetted to the bathroom. Ben jolted out of his sleep feeling the way Miranda threw his arm off of her and then he jumped up went he had her gagging and coughing. Ben rushed into the bathroom to find Miranda vomiting and tears running down her face.

"Miranda baby, what's wrong?" Ben asked as he squatted down and rubbed her back.

Once she was done she pointed at her mouth wash and Ben grabbed it off the shelf for her. Miranda gargled for a moment, spit in the toilet before getting up and walking back to her bed. Miranda got in the middle of the bed and Ben slowly sat down in front of her.

"Baby what's wrong?" he asked concerned.

"Ben I'm pregnant," Miranda shared as her voice cracked.

"I missed my period last week and I've been getting nauseated. So last night before I left work I decided to take a pregnancy test and it was positive. I was going to tell you on our date last night but then after what happened I just couldn't deal," Miranda shared.

"Miranda I am so sorry for what happened. I didn't invite her over, she just showed up and threw herself at me. Everything she said was a lie, I —

"Ben I believe you....I believe you. But I won't lie that for a split second I thought it were true. But you have spent almost everyday with me and your actions have always spoken louder than your words although you talk a lot," Miranda said with a smirk.

"Miranda I need to know that I'm committed to you. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you or our baby. We're having a baby," Ben said smiling and reaching for Miranda.

Miranda nodded yes as she fought back more tears. "But I'm scared and I don't know if I'm ready. And I know you've changed but what if more women come to do the same thing. Ben I love you but I don't know if I can handle that," Miranda voiced.

Ben just looked at her saddened and not knowing what to say. "Maybe we shouldn't try to be together. We can just be best friends and raise our baby," Miranda said.

"But to me it doesn't matter what happens. I want you, I'm committed to you I don't want us to just be best friends....I'm in love with you."

"Maybe this was all my fault. If I hadn't suggested we start having sex then we wouldn't be in love—

"But then we wouldn't have our baby on the way, Miranda why would you say that," Ben said getting frustrated.

"I don't know maybe it's the hormones but I can't handle another situation like last night Benjamin."

"I get that I have a past and consequences of it can arise sometimes. I would hope you'd see we could get pass this together. And I thought you were over it because your with me now....well you were. And this one situation has you ready to throw in the towel when I would literally go to war over you Miranda. Maybe I should go back to how I use to be because I guess deep down that's still how you see me," Ben said with a sad tone and defeated eyes.

Ben got up and Miranda tried to reach out and stop him from leaving. "Ben I'm sorry," Miranda yelled as she began to cry.

Miranda didn't hear from Ben for the rest of the day except for the text he sent asking her to let him know about the first appointment for the baby.

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