Finally Want You

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Ben and Miranda had been going out on dates for the last several months and he wanted to do something a little more special. Ben asked Miranda to take some days off but he couldn't tell her why. In Miranda fashion, she gave him her famous look and tried to badgered him about why she needed to take days off. 

As social of a guy Ben seemed, he never had a friend like Miranda. She challenged and encouraged him in ways that he'd never experienced before. And he just wanted to give her a getaway so she could relax and be away from the stress of work and life. Ben went shopping for he and Miranda because he wanted to surprise her with outfits for the trip since he wasn't telling her where they were going.

The morning of their flight came and Ben was still laying in bed because their flight wasn't until 6am and it was only 3:00am. Miranda was too excited and wanted to know where they were going. She used her key and snuck into his apartment. She looked around and even looked in his office but she didn't see any tickets.

"Darn it Benjamin where are we going?" Miranda said to herself because she was never fond of surprises.

Miranda took a chance and went into his bedroom. She knew that when he was in a deep sleep it was almost impossible to disturb him. She moved around and when she saw the tickets by his nightstand she smiled.

"Miranda Bailey don't even think about it," Ben said in a raspy voice and Miranda paused.

"What are you doing in my apartment at 3:15am....sneaking around?" Ben scolded.

" Usually you're a heavy sleeper so I thought I could come figure out where we were going," Miranda said pouting in defeat.

"You and this need to know everything, we are going to Hawaii okay," Ben said in frustration.

"Omg! I've never been to Hawaii before, that is so sweet of you Ben," Miranda said jumping onto the bed and hugging him.

"Well I guess since you woke me up we should get dressed and head to the airport," Ben said holding Miranda in his lap.

"But Ben I never bought anything and I don't have anything for Hawaii. This is why I needed to know ahead of time," Miranda pouted.

Ben walked to his closet, pulled out the giant suitcase and showed her all the clothes he bought for them.

"I bought outfits but if you don't like these we can buy stuff when we get there. But I know you Miranda so I know you will like them."

Miranda inspected the clothes then looked at him. "You know me," she said with a slight smirk on her face.

Ben and Miranda made it to the airport, through TSA and had boarded the plane. Miranda sat next to the window staring out as the plane ascended into the sky. Watching the clouds was one of her favorite things to do.

When she looked over at Ben a lady who was sitting in the outer sit was talking to him. Miranda could tell she was flirting with him just from her body language. Ben was a sweet, charming and an attractive guy.  Even though they were just friends she felt it to be disrespectful of this woman to flirt with him. Miranda looked out the window, reached over and touched his arm. It got Ben's attention and he intertwined his hand with hers and she felt a feeling she'd never felt before. The woman smiled politely and was quiet for the rest of the time Miranda was awake.

"Miranda wake up, we're here," she felt Ben whisper in her ear.

When she looked out the window she saw the mountains, the blue ocean and all the palm trees. Miranda looked at Ben and smiled as she touched his face. "I still can't believe you brought me here."

"Well believe it Miranda," Ben said kissing her hand and making her blush.

They got off the plane and Ben saw the person holding a sign for the resort they were staying at in Honolulu. The driver helped Ben with the suitcase and Ben helped Miranda get into the shuttle. Things felt different between them, at least to Miranda it did. Ben was her friend but she felt feelings that were deeper than their friendship and she wondered if he felt the same.

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