Prologue (Remastered)

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Year early 1915

The naval arms race is getting super intense, British stayed in the lead of the naval race but soon German snagged up, and so was the US, and shockingly Brazil, Japan and others. One day an Admiral name Lord Fisher (John Arbuthnot Fisher) Gave 1 new ship called HMS Incomparable, He gave this a proposal for a very large Battlecruiser, carrying an extremely 20 Inch gun. Shockingly everyone agrees with the design even King George V like the Idea. King George V gave the Identification a speciality to "He".

Of course, that made everyone in shock. Not only was it very rare to give a ship Identification of "Male" but also broke a rule of tradition. But Prime Minister back then, The Right Honourable Herbert Henry Asquith support King George V. Some people began to support the Idea. Now HMS Incomparable the first ship to be identified as "Male". The building soon started just 1 month after the announcement.

Building the ship

Before the ship is built, some part was built remotely to avoid any suspicion or anything that will compromise Royal Navy. When some important part is finished, it was shipped through land and remained secret. Afterwards when the important part arrived at the ship building, the hull can now start building HMS Incomparable

Because of the ship's design, the building have some problem, Due to the very high-priority ship, the cost skyrocketed, and some Battleship, Cruiser, and Destroyer who was being built early was launched very quickly. Worst to come that war is getting more intense and some people arguing about the Battlecruiser's performance at sea. The sign of worry was soon intense after the Battle of Jutland as the United Kingdom lost three Battlecruisers.

The United Kingdom also faces another worst crisis yet. The economising has descended to the footing and there's a lot of reason for it. One of them is Building HMS Incomparable. The government are spending Way too much for Incomparable, that include his engine, armament, and maintenance cost. However despite some trouble Incomparable finally launched 28 days after the Battle of Jutland and enter service in February 1917.


Admiral John Arbuthnot Fisher: "Incomparable?"

(Admiral Of The Fleet John Arbuthnot Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher

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(Admiral Of The Fleet John Arbuthnot Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher. One of the most important people in the Royal Navy, he design and build HMS Incomparable which would be the last ship he build. Incomparable think John Arbuthnot Fisher was the best person ever.)

Incomparable: "Yes Admiral?"

Admiral Fisher: "Do you ready for your career?

Incomparable: "Ready for my career? Of course, I am!!!"

Admiral Fisher: I'm glad to hear that Incomparable. Prove to the world that you are the most robust ship ever.

Incomparable: "I WILL ADMIRAL!!!"

Incomparable soon enter service in February 1917. To keep secrecy, the ship was Identified as a Courageous class Battlecruiser however because the United Kingdom suffer an economic crisis because of war (And definitely because of HMS Incomparable) HMS Incomparable didn't perform much However it was a dangerous ship by every means. Thankfully no one gives information about him.

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