Chapter 10-First Mission

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(I think the test part is too rushed, and I apologise for that.)

(fun fact: My birthday was supposed to be on 21st October but I celebrated it on 21st November, why well my brother also birthday on that date so decided to crash a big party)

You are among the most powerful Heavy Ships, rivalling Musashi, Vanguard, Warspite, New Jersey, Friedrich der Große, and Ulrich Von Hutten. You are older than any of those yet also very experienced, Intelligent, and rather mad in design.

Let's say you are equally like FV4005. Big cannon, is fast and has almost no armour whatsoever.

You are the first Tier 10 BC at Azur Lane and also among the oldest (Second oldest UR Ship after Warspite and older than anyone for non-retrofit). 

Time: 07.00

Location: Azur Lane

Sunrise make everything beautiful a bird singing along. Enterprise finally went out from the infirmary after getting hit by one shell from Incomparable. Belfast decided Not to tell her Who shot her.

Belfast: "So how the pain Enterprise?"

Enterprise: "It was still painful but less than before

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Enterprise: "It was still painful but less than before. Am I still thinking who in the hell shot me? That siren must be Way more powerful than I expected it to be."

Belfast: "There one of the members of the Royal Navy was able to sink 2 big sirens."

Enterprise: "May I ask who is the Royal Navy member who was able to sink the massive 2-sirens ship?"

Belfast: "Hmm... the new member was really unique, it Incomparable."

What Enterprise didn't know was that she forget that someone said "My name is Beyond Comparison." was actually Incomparable or Y/N.

Enterprise: "Oh, Incomparable. I didn't meet him before in face but maybe I shall meet him."

Belfast: "I do recommend Not to meet him right now."

Enterprise: "Eh? Why?"

Belfast: "I'm not saying that he was a dangerous or reckless man. He just has to uhh, protect his sister's love."

Enterprise: "Wait, he has a sister?"

Belfast: "Uhh yea... But... Not, It is not the same class But has a let's say history on it. What I am still confused about is that they have Dad but no mother."

Enterprise: "H-hold on, they have Dad?"

Fisher: 'Yep, that's me."

Enterprise and Belfast: "!!!, WHO IS THAT?!?!?"

They both look everywhere but are nowhere to be seen.

Enterprise: "Who's that?"

Belfast: "Don't be so reckless and start to kill, I think I hear a wonderful male voice."

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