The USJ Part 1

Começar do início

"Izuku, what are you doing this is an emergency take command of our class!" Iida said as he saw us sitting at our table.

"It is the media who have broken in, Iida meaning they are not a real threat." I replied taking a bite of my fish. "Although if I were to hazard a guess someone is using them as a diversion and I have provided that suspicion to Principle Nezu through my phone."

"Well shouldn't someone tell the panicked masses?" He asked me.

I nodded, "Yes well said I suggest you find Uraraka and use their quirk in tandem with your own to get their attention." I told him and went back to my meal.

After I said that he ran off and based on a quite audible announcement of "Everyone! look out the window it is just the Media!" He followed my directions to a T. After lunch the rest of the school day was relatively normal and we went home to get down to training. Izumi and Mikumo over the nearly week of training have almost mastered Total Concentration Constant, they are so close I know they will achieve it soon.

Time Skip to the next day

"Okay everyone get on the bus in an orderly fashioned and sit in our seating order," Iida said as he walked us all to the bus that will take us to the USJ. The look on his face when he realized that the bus had an open seating plan was priceless.

"I normally say what's on my mind," Tsuyu said and then turned to me. "How exactly is what you do not a quirk Izuku?"

"Well to explain it simply Tsuyu ..." I began

"Call me Tsu," Tsuyu interrupted.

"Okay well what I and my fellow quirkless friends use is called a breathing technique the most basic version of this is called Total Concentration Breathing," I said. "Does that answer your question Tsu?"

"Not really," she said.

"Enough talking we are here," Aizawa said from up front.

Upon exiting the bus we were greeted with the Space Hero Thirteen, "Hello Everyone, I've been waiting for you!" She said.

"Oh it's Thirteen she is my favorite hero," I heard Ochaco fangirling on the other side of the crowd.

"I can't wait to show you all what is inside," Thirteen said leading the way through the doors of the massive USJ. "This entire training area was designed by myself and is utilized to best help you practice for rescue situations. The USJ stands for the Unforeseen Simulation Joint!"

The lights all over the USJ began to flicker, and then they just dimmed as a portal formed in the middle of the USJ by a fountain. The portal was black with purple towards the edges it expanded rapidly and an entire platoon of people at least marched through the gate. Alongside the group of people came a hulking black beast with a beak full of sharp teeth and an exposed brain as well as someone who was clearly in charge of this operation.

I saw Mikumo Buckle for a moment grabbing his nose in disgust the others had an adverse reaction as well. That could mean only one thing there was a large amount of Demons amongst these Villains. I stepped up to my uncle and began to inform him of the situation.

"You know those Demons we had a talk about?" I asked him.

"Yeah what about it?" he replied not taking his eyes away from the horde before us.

"There is a large number of them present," I began. "We have two options, I presume they have someone jamming our signal so we can't call for help. So option one I break through the doors and use my speed to get back to UA and inform the staff leaving you all in the hands of my fellow Demon slayers."

"Or?" He asked not seeming to like those odds.

"Option Two I break open the door we send Iida to the school and we have the full might of the Demon Slayer Corps to protect you guys from the demons." I told him.

"I am going to wait to give you my choice till I have more information," He replied.

"Excuse me but according to the schedule All Might is suposed to be here am I to assume that there have been changes?" a being said behind all of us he was a being made of the same black mist that brought all of the Villains and demons here. "Oh well if you won't answer I suppose the only option is stick to the plan and send your body parts back to the school."

"Option Two," Aizawa said jumping down the stairs to fight.

"Iida meet me at the door Demon Slayer Corps Prepare for battle against a massive amount of demons and remember no killing actual humans," I said rushing towards the villain with my practice blade.

"Oh as if you could hit me," He said creating a portal in front of me.

"Total Concentration, Sun Breathing eleventh Form: Fake Rainbow," I called out and began Twisting my body and rotating it creating afterimages to make him think I went through his portal I the whacked him on the metal guard protecting his neck. His mist dissipated for a brief moment and I saw the Kanji Upper Four in his real eyes. "None of you engage in combat with him" I yelled out. "He is dangerous." I booked it to the door and pried it open. "Iida run back to the school and inform the staff of the invasion go as fast as you can."

"Recipro Over Burst!" Iida called out and zoomed out the door.

"That's it Begone all of you," the misty demon said after getting up and opened a massive warp gate sending my class off to who knows where. After that he left and returned to the middle to inform his 'master' of his failure. I stood alone at the top of the stairs looking down into the center readying myself for the battle to come.

Breath of The SunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora