My legs got weak as more silent tears escaped my irises, slumping into the ground I force my mind away from a place I hated going.

Forcing my eyes away from my trembling hands and back towards the world beyond the floor to ceiling windows.

A warm smile graces my lips as I watch Anthony rise up from his piggy slumber.

He always found ways to make me feel better and more myself even if his dumbass didn't know it, I tilt my head back into the Island as more memories flood my mind once more.

There was this one time in 7th grade their was this dark haired girl named Emma, she was a bitch to litterly everyone however she was worst with me.

That cockroach never left me alone it's like she didn't even have a life the way she always found time in her pathetic little day to bother me, she made that school year hell for me.

I blossomed late. I didn't get my period till 9th grade, my boobs was the smallest possible size as well as I had bad acne. But some how so many boys still wanted me especially onced I blossomed in 9th grade God I received so much unwanted attention through highschool. However that just made the girls treat me worse always saying shit like I stole their man, even if I did 'not purposely' go beat him up not me. I wasn't the one to committing in a relationship.

Although Niya thought me how to use all the attention for my benefit which I did, that's when my manipulation stared then later on became one of my strongest characteristics. I have to admit that I'm not always aware when I'm doing it thought.

Emma would often body shame me alone and infront of every one, she wouldn't care. Any time something flat would be referred In class she would make a very blunt joke comparing whatever the object was to me In some messed up way.

And like the coward I was I would do nothing to defend myself. I was defenseless against her until Anothony came into my life.

He got fed up with how she would treat me so he took her liking for him to both of our advantage. Mine so she would stop bother me and his so he can be satisfied.

So he took me to the store with him at 2:45 after school on a Monday I remember that day like it was yesterday. He bought a bottle of shampoo along with a bottle of nair hair removal cream.

We walked to his house and once we arrived we immediately emptied the bottle of shampoo and switch it for nair I sprayed some perfume in the bottle as we aslo left a little shampoo for extra scent purposes.

I was scared about what we we're going to do. Never in my life have I done something that mean but Anthony was by my side comforting me telling me she deserves more that what we were about to give her.

Later that day he went over to her place with 1 simple red rose and her special shampoo made just for her, Anthony took complete advantage that she liked him and sweet talk her into using it saying he loves the scent and would love it on her.

Emma being the guilable person that she is used it happily without a second thought.

The next day was amazing I have never laughed as much as I did that day.

She came to school her hair as short to her ear but what made it even better was that half her hair was gone, their was big chunks of baldness in her head she tried to cover it up but failed miserably.

After that event people stop picking on me and all of their attention was now on her and it stayed that way until the next 'big thing happened'.

From that day a special place in my heart opened for Anthony, that only grows bigger every day.

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