BC 1. My Fault

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Third Person POV

"How long have you been here?" Dominic walked into the room to see Cyrus alone watching his unconscious son.

"A few hours."

"Where's Honey?"

"I convinced her to go home."

"Kinds of hypocritical don't you think."

"Says the man who has only left his daughter's room to get fresh water."

"Yeah, I guess." Dominic went and sat next to his friend trying to find the right words. "I'm sorry."

"Why?" Cyrus looked over at him.

"If I hadn't fucked that bitch, neither of our children would be here right now."

"Yeah true. But you also wouldn't have that amazing girl of yours who makes my boy happy. I mean come on when have you ever seen Nico this happy? Or you for that matter. She's good for the both of you, and plus I would kinda miss her."

Dominic chuckled.

"Don't you dare tell her that" Cyrus pointed at him while Dominic put his hands up in mock surrender.

"What they say about her?"

"She's in bad shape man. Broken ribs, a concussion, and there were signs of water in her lungs, bruises everywhere. She was even tased, most of the marks might even scar. They said her body went into shock, she'll wake up when she's ready. I'm gonna kill that bitch."

"Did they locate her?"

"Yeah, I just conformation they have her waiting for my call."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Delphine can decide." They both chuckle. Cyrus looks back at his son watching the machine that tells him his son's heart is still beating.

Nico had managed to fight to stay awake in the ambulance until the paramedics promised him Delphine would be okay. Since he was admitted he had been asleep. Honey and Mina came and stayed but Cyrus had pushed them out of the room to sleep and come back in the morning, with the bribing of them bringing comfort items for him and Delphine. 

The duo sat watching the young boy waiting for his chest to rise and fall. His fingers started to twitch causing Dominic to go get a nurse or Doctor. A middle-aged woman came in and checked on his vitals again and started to speak to him. 

"Sweetie, can you open your eyes for me? Your dad and uncle are here waiting for you to wake up." She continued to talk to him convincing him to open his eyes. The nurse moved her hand and covered his eyes for him protecting them from the bright light above him. 

While both of the teens suffered multiple injuries Nico's were less severe than Delphine's. He had obtained a few bruises on his face, and shallow cuts on his chest. The most concerning make he had was a rather large gash on his temple. They had to place 3 stitches on his forehead, and 5 total stitches on his chest from two deeper cuts, the rest needed only bandaging. 

Nico's throat was raw and burned when he tried to speak. The nurse handed him a glass of water that had lost all coldness. He gulped the water and moved to sit up looking around the room. His gaze landed on his dad. 

"Where's Delphine?" His voice was still raspy but no longer pained him. Cyrus only looked to Dominic as the nurse left the room. 

"Delphine is still unconscious. She's okay but she needed to rest for now." Dominic gently explained to him seeing the panic spread over his face. 

"When will she wake up?"

"I'm not sure, the doctor said that when she's ready she'll wake up." Nico nodded but distress was still on his face.

"The doctor said that you can visit her after they run a few tests on both of you." Nico had a small smile as he nodded again. 

"Nico," He turned to his dad. "Can you tell us what happened?" Cyrus was trying to tread lightly with him but they needed answers.

"Umm, we were watching tv when Delphine was cold so I turned up the heat." He stared deeply at his hands. "A few minutes later it got cold again so I went to fix it again. When I got there I was hit on the head. When I woke up me and Delphine were tied to chairs in a warehouse." His breath picked up a little as he remembered all that happened. Cyrus noticed this and brought his son into a hug calming him. 

"Take your time, if you can we can talk about it later."

"No, I can do it. A guy took Delphine while another one beat me up."

"Did he say anything?" Dominic asked him. 

"No, he didn't talk the entire time. He stopped when Delphine came back in she was all bloody. After that, a woman walked in, her mom, and they dunked Delphine in a bucket of water almost drowning her. When they stopped she tased her and left the room saying something about how she wished Delphine would die in there." Nico had tears falling down, wetting his dad's shirt. 

Both of the men looked at each other in anger. Both of their children were tortured and forced to watch each other get hurt. 

"Can I see Delphine now?" Dominic nodded and went to grab his doctor. 

If you want to suggest a certain bonus chapter please go back to the last author's note to make your suggestion. 

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