Chapter 35- Asshole

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Nico's POV

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone out in the yard yelled causing Delphine to flinch and jump slightly. Her eyes move around the yard that the family spent all day decorating. They set up a simple cream and pastel green theme. 

My mom had gone out a d bought her a cake with the traditional 'Happy Birthday Delphine'. We had invited guys from the garage and a few from the bar that Delphine has spent the most time with. Mina lead Delphine over to mom and Dom where she hugged both of them and whispered in their ears. 

I watch as Leon and Nolan walk over to say their greetings. Soon enough everyone had talked to her and the party was in motion. I could see my dad at the grill, my mom managing the table that held gifts. I will be honest my mom told a few of the closest people to Delphine about how she never had a birthday. The others thought that we postponed it after her attack. 

Going back into the house take the gift from, Delphine, up to my room and place it on my bed hiding it underneath my pillows. I look out my window seeing the party from above. I see Delphine, Faye, and Mina standing near my dad. 

I go back downstairs to join the party. I walked over to grab a drink. The party went as normal my mom divided up the cake for each of us. It was an amazing chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. When we all finished my mom made sure everyone had thrown away their plates and forks before leading Delphine to the presents. 

My mom hands her a small bag from Darren. He had gotten a new sketchbook with colored pencils. She of course told him thank you. This went on for a while, a few people left after she opened their gifts as it was getting late. 

We got to the last gifts which were all of ours. Leon had given her a bouquet of tulips. 

"I was gonna get you roses but then I remembered." We all laughed as she thanked him for the flowers.

Nolan gave her a new set of markers for her to try. Faye had given her a pair of shoes. Mina had given her a completely new outfit to match with teh shoe Faye got her. When it got to my parent's gift I had no idea what they got here. 

My mom has this thing that she won't tell anyone what the gift is since only she can keep the secret. My mom handed her a large, thin rectangle with a green bow on it. When Delphine opened it her eyes watered immediately. She set it down and hugged my parents. 

Keep in mind she has only hugged Dom, it has always been my mom giving her a hug and her having a small reaction. She hugged both of my parents and whispered something to my dad causing him to laugh and hug her back. 

I look over at the gift it was a picture. A picture of all f us hanging out with her having a genuine smile on her face. She wiped her eyes and sat back down clearing her throat. With her face now dried my mom handed her the last box on the table. Mine. 

She opened it and pulled out a book. A total of ten books were in the box. When I had seen her list of books I remembered some of them and then checked in her room for any of them. She looked at me and told me thankyou. 

We all helped her take her gifts inside her room. When her dad cleared his throat and asked her to follow him. We all followed him out through the living room to the front door. He asked us to stay inside for a second. 

Delphine looked at us questioning but we all appeared to be just as confused. I think my parents knew the secret but feigned their innocence. Dom walked back in with a rather large box. He set the box gently on the ground in front of her. It had a lid that slide off. 

When Delphine lifts the lid off she is kneeling on the ground. When she got the lid off she dropped it on the ground and rushed to grab whatever was in the box. 

She lifted out a tan puppy with a dark face covered in wrinkles. She hugged the puppy close to her body repeating thanks to her dad as he smiled at her. 

"You got a dog?" Mina asked from beside me. 

"Yeah, well Delphine told me a while ago that we should get a dog so  figured might as well for her birthday." We all looked at how genuinely happy Delphen seemed. She was hugging, kissing, and talking to the puppy. 

She got up hugged her dad and we all went to the living room while her dad brought all of the dog's things. She sits on the couch with the puppy in her arms.

"What are you gonna name it?" My dad asks. 

"Maybe Asshole. You know after you." She has a smug grin on her face. 


"Sorry, I don't know yet." She looks the puppy in the eye with complete seriousness. It licks her face and she giggles. We all sit around for a few more minutes until my mom sends us all to bed. Delphine leaves first as I watch her go to her room with her new puppy. 

"How long have you liked her?" Mina's voice asks me. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I get up and head upstairs with her behind me. 

"Oh really," I walk into my room trying to close the door but she slips in and shuts the door herself. 



"Get out."

"Not until you answer my question." She puts her hand on her hip popping it out. 

"There is nothing to tell you. I don't like her."

"Really is that why whenever Leon hugs her your fists clench. Or you volunteered to spend the day with her when mom was gonna have me be the distraction. How bout the books, how you were giving her googly eyes all night." She finishes getting closer to me and each point she makes. 

"Ok fine I like her."

"Yes. I knew. I have t go tell mom about this."

"What mom knows?"

"Oh yeah, she was the one who wanted me to talk to you and get to admit it." She smiles at me. "When are you gonna tell her?"

"I don't know. She doesn't even like me back." I back flop onto my bed. 

"What? Of course, she does. Whenever she walks into a room her eyes find you first, she always is looking at you when your not looking at her. You too even have cute nicknames for each other."

"How do you know about that?"

"I heard you guys talking when you came home."

"Fine, I'll ask her out." Mina jumps up and down before leaving my room practically skipping. 

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