Chapter 8- The Surprise

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Delphine's POV

This first week went by smoothly, I was getting the hang of school and the shop. Me and my dad started staying late at the garage to fix that old impala he had. He still hasn't told me why it's so important to him but it has been fun to do something with him. 

 I haven't been able to sleep that well these past few days. I'm hoping that it is from moving and everything changing. But I decided against wearing my contacts these past few days. After the first day, my dad asked why I was hiding my eyes and he convinced me not to. 

Today my dad wanted to take me somewhere. So here I am trying to cover up the dark bags under my eyes. It's not perfect but if I add anymore it will look terrible. 

Grabbing my shoes and phone I go to the kitchen. Walking in I grab an apple and hop up onto the counter and begin scrolling on my phone while enjoying my apple in silence. 

Of course, the silence always has to be ruined in this house. Mina and Nico come barging in talking over each other. I stare at them it isn't until I take another bite of my apple that they stop and look at me. 

"Please don't stop yet I was quite enjoying it." I rotate my wrist like I was giving a presentation. Mina huffs and sits down. The adults all come in, and my dad and Cyrus grab a cup of coffee. My dad takes a few glances at me looking almost nervous. 

Honey sits down at that table with a bottle of water as she tries to disband the argument the twins restarted. I finish my apple trying to throw it in the trashcan. I miss it, the core lands on the ground a few feet away from the trash. 

Scowling I get up and grab the core and drop it in the trash can. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my dad snickering. I walk back over to the counter and hop back on waiting for everyone else to finish. 

"Alright, kids are you all ready?" Honey asked us with her sweet as sugar voice. 

We all nodded and left the house. I got out and got in the truck with my dad driving. While driving he kept moving his gaze to me. After a while, he pulled up in front of a big building that looked like a large bar. Dark windows, loud music and yelling, and bikes out front. 

"You brought me to a bar?" I turn my body, furrowing my eyebrows. 

He chuckled, "No, well yes. I own this bar and Cyrus runs it for me."

"So you both decided it would be a good idea to take teenagers to a bar in the middle of the day."

"I have to tell you something."

"You're pregnant."

"What? N-No. No. I wanted to tell you that I run the local biker club."

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